Создан заказ №10273459
13 ноября 2023
Kennedy and his view on strategic relationships with Israel
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Why did the Kennedy administration seek to strengthen the strategic relationship between Israel and the US during the early 1960s, and what steps did it take to achieve this goal?
You need to to make an analysis of his presidency. The steps that were made, why they were made and what does Kennedy w
anted to achieve with them. Also needed to be considered his other foreign and inner policy that might have connections with the strategic relationships with Israel.
I need you to use at least some of the references that mentioned in the paper.
Also beside the seminar paper i need to have
a. bibliography divided by category, a-d. (1 page)
b. the question and an outline of the paper’s structure (1 page).
3000 ₽
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20 ноября 2023
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Kennedy and his view on strategic relationships with Israel.docx
2023-11-23 19:09
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Все отлично. Быстро и качественно. Нужны были только материалы. Первую часть получил в тот же вечер. Вторую на следующий день