Создан заказ №10301270
20 ноября 2023
Prepare review of legal paper European law in English 1500-2000 words
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Write the paper review to an attached article 1500-2000 words in English.
disconnection of Russian news channels from European television be considered a discrimination against freedom of media in the light of EU law
- no need for specific structure but Should focus on the main arguments of the a
uthor and the critical assessment of the interest of the paper.
- May also organise it as, in the introduction explaining the main questions raised in the abstract and structuring the analysis accordingly.
!!!The paper review will be subject to anti plagiarism so please cite author if do references accordingly and do not use chat gpt or prepaired essays.
And some indications for the bibliography references (for the commentary):
Article: Name of the author, title of the article in quotation marks, title of the journal in italics, volume, year, pages
Chapter of book: Name of the author, title of the chapter in quotation marks, in name of the editor (ed), title of the book in italics
200 ₽
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21 ноября 2023
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Prepare review of legal paper European law in English 1500-2000 words.docx
2023-11-24 19:35
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Обращаюсь к автору не в первый раз, идеально выполнил работу в сжатые сроки!!Очень довольна результатом, уверена в дальнейшем сотрудничестве и качестве выполняемых им работ)