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Студенческая работа на тему:
Translate the text into Russian in written form. Answer the questions after the text.
Создан заказ №10759558
12 апреля 2024

Translate the text into Russian in written form. Answer the questions after the text.

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
From function to structure: shifting focus to the ‘tool’ Philip Mark Nicholson (2023): Pedagogy-as-praxis: a sociocultural framework for researching pedagogy as performance and discourse, International Journal of Research & Method in Education For Engeström the ‘first principle’ of activity theory i s that ‘a collective, artifact-mediated and object-oriented activity system … is taken as the prime unit of analysis’. The focus of activity theory therefore lies in how tools/artefacts are employed by subjects to facilitate and transform the object. While tools can be technical, serving as the ‘conductor of human influence’ and leading to physical changes in the object, they are also psychological, positioned as devices for mastering or controlling the mind and behaviour. In this way, the performance of teaching – by referring to the actions and interactions that take place between educators and learners in particular contexts– is a tool. It represents the means through which educators (subject) intend learners (object) to make certain conceptual advances. […] Activity theory focusses on how tools function in mediating and transforming the object, with relatively little attention, if any, given to the processes that regulate, structure and constitute tools themselves. This is significant because in the same way that ‘teaching is never innocent’, ‘tools are never neutral; intrinsic to their construction are social classifications, stratifications, distributions and modes of recontextualising’.[…] Daniels therefore argues that pedagogical research adopting an activity theory lens would be better served by shifting its gaze to the development, structure and production of the tool. By focusing on the processes that structure the tool rather than the function it performs in mediating the object and outcome of activity, it becomes possible to consider some of the social and institutional factors that influence how modalities of teaching practice – the performance of teaching – are organized, structured and enacted. Indeed, such a shift provides a means of analysing the performance of teaching in the context of its production (discourse).   Answer the questions below in English. Write 180-200 words for each question. 1) What is the text about? Write a summary. 2) Write if you agree or disagree with the ideas in the text. Explain why. 3) How can this publication contribute to your research? 4) What are current Russian trends in your research field? 5) What are current global trends in your research field?
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
13 апреля 2024
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Заказ выполнил
Translate the text into Russian in written form. Answer the questions after the text..docx
2024-04-16 19:40
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