Создан заказ №10774099
16 апреля 2024
Implementation of AI technology in HR department in example of Walmart.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
I already wrote 2 chapters about 70 pages by explaining what is ai in hr and description of company, I’m in third chapter where I have to talk about implementation like what is problem of Walmart hr, what kind of ai I’m going to implement and fees, maintaining and training costs and etc.
I wrote ab
out 7 pages about problems of Walmart HR and how much it’s losing because of its turnover rate. No im in main part of my thesis where I have to choose one ai with recruiting and one with onboarding , or both in one ai software. I’m not good at IT and calculations. I have to make it as accurate as possible. I don’t know why I chose Walmart but it was mistake because Walmart is big company and already using different types of ai tools. But that doesn’t matter as long as I show implementation correctly with cost and processes and finally what it changed. I just need someone to help me to write about 20 pag
3000 ₽
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Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
23 апреля 2024
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Implementation of AI technology in HR department in example of Walmart..docx
2024-04-26 16:58
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