Создан заказ №10850897
6 мая 2024
Анализ диктемы по теоретической грамматике английского языка
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Написать анализ диктемы по теоретической грамматике английского языка. План, образец и учебник с теорией (стр 163-185) находятся в файлах. Текст для анализа Analyse the following dicteme
It was appalling, how easily one forgot and went back; he could still hear his own voice speaking in the street
with the Conception accent - unchanged by mortal sin and unrepentance and desertion. The brandy was musty on the tongue with his own corruption. God might forgive cowardice and passion, but was it possible to forgive the habit of piety? He remembered the woman in the prison and how impossible it had been to shake her complacency. It seemed to him that he was another of the same kind, lying drank the brandy down like damnation: men like the half-caste could be saved, salvation could strike like lightning at the evil heart, but the habit of piety excluded everything but the evening prayer and the Guild meeting and the feel of humble lips on your gloved hand. (Gr. Greene)
300 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
7 мая 2024
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Анализ диктемы по теоретической грамматике английского языка.docx
2024-05-10 19:38
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