Создан заказ №11183824
6 ноября 2024
Formation, Development, and Improving Grammar Skills of the Subordinate Clauses Usage
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Полное название темы: Formation, Development, and Improving Grammar Skills of the Subordinate Clauses Usage Applying Innovative Techniques in Teaching 11th Grade Students (Based on EMC English Student’s Book 11 for Schools with In-Depth Study of English).
Задача: написать вторую главу ВКР на англий
ском языке
CHAPTER 2: Methods of Formation and Development of Lexical and Grammatical Skills of Using Subordinate Clauses in 11th Grade Lessons for Schools with In-Depth Study of English.
2.1 The Specifics of Teaching Lexical and Grammatical Skills of Using Subordinate Clauses in Speech in 11th Grade for Schools with In-Depth Study of the English Language.
2.2 Analysis of the EMC English Student’s Book 11
2.3 Analysis of Exercises Aimed at the Formation and Development of Lexical and Grammatical Skills in the Use of Subordinate Clauses in Grades 11 with in-depth Study of the English Language Based on the Materials of the Student’s Book “English XI”
2.4 Results and Discussions
3000 ₽
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9 ноября 2024
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Formation, Development, and Improving Grammar Skills of the Subordinate Clauses Usage.docx
2024-11-12 20:39
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