Создан заказ №11201362
13 ноября 2024
Sedimentary petrology: Final project (analyze a geological sample in detail)
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
This is a group-based assignment designed to help you analyze a geological sample in detail. Each group will consist of two members (one group will consist of three members). You will be given a hand specimen and a thin section prepared from that specimen, along with relevant articles and maps to su
pport your research. Your goal is to understand the geological background of the area where your sample comes from, describe what you see with and without a microscope, and explain what your observations mean. The final deliverable is a written report (maximum 5000 words), which will be accompanied by a presentation of your findings.
Project requirements
Each group will complete the following tasks:
Research the geological setting
• Research the geological background of the area where your sample comes from, including aspects such as location, tectonics, stratigraphy, lithology, and any magmatic activity in the area.
Macroscopic and microscopic description
• Describe the sample without using a microscope, focusing on color, grain size, texture, and
any visible structures or minerals.
• Use a polarizing microscope to examine the thin section of your sample. For siliciclastic rocks, describe the framework components (e.g., quartz, feldspar, lithic fragments) and matrix components. For carbonate rocks, describe the grains, matrix, and cement. Include details on the presence components, mineralogy, textures, and relationships between different components of the rock.
Interpretation and discussion
• Identify the rock type and classify it using an appropriate classification system.
• Use your observations to interpret the depositional environment of the rock.
• Discuss the diagenetic modifications the rock has undergone, clearly identifying the types of diagenesis seen in the sample.
• Relate your findings to the geological setting and formation processes. Report structure
Your final report should be clear and well-organized, following the structure below, with no more than 5,000 words in total
200 ₽
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20 дней
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14 ноября 2024
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Sedimentary petrology: Final project (analyze a geological sample in detail).docx
2024-11-17 12:27
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