Создан заказ №1338377
15 сентября 2016
Написать небольшие тексты для аудирования на английском языке
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Всего 6 заданий. Нужно сделать 6 небольших текстов, предложений по 10. В задании указаны учебники и страницы, которыми надо пользоваться при составлении. Учебники легко находятся по названию в "документах" в вконтакте.
1. Television is one of the most important communication channels and main sourc
e of news for many households around the world. Like regular radio news bulletins, daily TV programs provide only brief accounts of relatively new stories. What types of TV programs do you know and which of them would you recommend your friend from another country to watch? Which programs do you consider to be boring, interesting? Do you agree that media is the fourth power in the world? (Cutting Edge Intermediate, pp.59-62)
2. Company newsletters, home pages, press releases, sponsoring, press confrences are all ways to promote your company. Describe methods of advertising or ways to reach an audience. (English for Marketing and Advertising, p. 45; Зайцева «Английский язык в рекламе», p. 25-29)
Cм. в ЭБС «Знаниум» Зайцева, Л. А. Английский язык в рекламе [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие / Л. А. Зайцева. - 2-е изд., стер. - М.: Флинта : МПСУ, 2012. - 112 с. - ISBN 978-5-89349-885-1 (Флинта), ISBN 978-5-89502-876-6 (МПСУ)
3. Cross-cultural Communication is a essential feature of modern society. What elements can help distinguish one culture from another? Say a few words about each of them. ( Салье Т.Е. и др. , c. 84-86)
4. What do you know about cultural and religious traditions of English? What festivals and celebrations do English have? Say a few words about Easter or describe the origin of any holiday you know. (Салье Т.Е. и др., с. 98-100)
5. The year 2016 is a famous for one of the great achievement in the world science and technology – the beginning of the space era. What do you know about space exploration as well as great cosmonauts and their influence on the world science and technology?
6. Imagine that you are preparing a press release for a new product and calling Maxim, one of you good customers and distributors for a testimonial. Learn what quote does he give you to use? (audio 20, English for Marketing and Advertising)
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
16 сентября 2016
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Написать небольшие тексты для аудирования на английском языке.docx
2016-09-19 12:35
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