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15 октября 2016
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Graphology - Science or Fiction?
You are unique and so is your handwriting. On the other hand, writing conforms to a kind of universal pattern imprinted in everybody's unconscious mind. The brain and the hand pick out just those parts of the pattern that reflect the wri
ter's personality. They omit the parts representing traits the writer does not have. If people mature, or go through a bad patch, their handwriting changes. It has been repeatedly proved that people who share a given trait also share a similar feature in their handwriting.
Graphology is a branch of a diverse group of sciences of "character reading". Graphology in particular focuses on interpreting individual's character and personality traits by analyzing their handwriting. Using graphology to analyze personality and character is one thing; changing one’s behavior by changing handwriting is another - this is referred to as graphotherapy. Graphology is now becoming a more widely accepted science.
As most of you will agree, the human subconscious manifests itself one way or another - art, music etc. Graphology interprets this manifestation, using the most commonly used human subconscious world interface, handwriting! Here is an example, where this can be used. We are sure you have seen this somewhere - a consistent left ward slant. Using graphology, we know that writing with a leftward slant is a sign of an introvert. The writer rarely expresses feeling and makes logical unemotional decisions.
So in summary graphology can be used to determine a complete personality and character profile of any individual. Besides the examples given above graphology can be also be used to determine aggressiveness, analytical thinking, attention to detail, curiousity, dual personality, emotionally response, jealousy, loyalty, perfectionism, stubborn nature among others. If the art of graphology is learned efficiently we can use it to our advantage and understand our friends, partners and family in-depth
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16 октября 2016
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