Создан заказ №1408179
21 октября 2016
Эссе на английском языке по произведению (400 слов)
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Эссе на английском языке (400 слов)on a selected literary work each, exceptionally they can deal with historical/cultural aspect. The
essay should follow a general academic structure, i.e. from general to the specific.
your first paper should consist of three parts:
FICANCE (description, with sources to support your ideas),
15% of the text:
a) Use basic sources to describe in which general historical context or literary period academics
have traditionally placed the work. You may (dis)agree in Part 3 of your paper.
b) Using information in Part 2a, compare/contrast other works and authors from the same period.
c) Outline some important themes and ideas that experts have explored in writing about the work
you have chosen. All sources must be referenced in proper academic format – your work
will not be accepted without numbered citations.
2) DESCRIPTION (objective), 10-15% of the text:
a) For works of fiction, give a brief synopsis of the plot and a one- or two-sentence description of
each of the main characters.
b) For poetry, describe the figures of speech and interpret the work.
c) For non-fiction, clearly state the author´s arguments and describe the content of the work.
3) YOUR OPINION (subjective), 70-75% of the text:
a) Isolate one specific aspect of the text to comment upon in detail. The more specific your topic,
the clearer your writing will be. With a well-defined theme, writing is much easier as well.
b) State why you think this work is valuable and important, (dis)agreeing with the sources you cited
in Part 2
200 ₽
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22 октября 2016
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Эссе на английском языке по произведению (400 слов).docx
2018-08-06 18:18
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Была задержка на неделю, но и растянуть тему сочинения было сложно на 4000 слов, поэтому пришлось немного подождать, но результат более чем оправдал ожидания, написано все очень грамотно, понятно и профессионально. Рекомендую!