Создан заказ №1467720
12 ноября 2016
Выполнить задания по 7 урокам Литературы Английского языка
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Выполнить задания подобного типа. Презентации и теория есть. Нужно ознакомиться с материалами и дать развернутый ответ.
пример 1 урока:
1. Choose the writer from trhe period and make a presentation on his/her life and work.
2. What are the main themes in Robert Burn's poems? Choose and analyze
one of his poems.
3, "Byron"s life seems to reflect the essence of the typical ronantic hero". Which elements do you find in his biography that support this statement?
4. Jane Austen and her works. General characteristics. Have attitudce to marriage changed much since Jane Austen's day? Are young people as anxious to get married as Jane Austen characters were? Give your opinion and arguments.
5. What do the following types of pride (national pride, civic pride, family pride, personal pride) mean yo you? Is pride a positive or negative emotion or both ?? Give examples.
6. Write a short report in which you explain how Marry Shelly's life may have affected her writing.
7. Victor Frankenstein tried to discover the secrets of human life with diastrous consequences. In the 20th century scientists discovered that most of the secrets of human life are to be found in our genes. How mankind should use genetic engineering and how far we should go in tampering with nature are subjects of heated debates. Express your opinion on the following: human/animal cloning, genetically modified plants, genetic testing of foetuses to discover malformation or disease, choosing what your child is going to look like, genetic fingerprinting by the police, genetic testing of prospective employees by employers. Remember about giving arguments.
8. How did Edgar Allan Po contribute to the development of a new literary genre?
9. Choose two poets from the given below and one from your country and analyse their relationshipwith the world of nature. Then analyse some paintings by the given artists and say whether their description of the natural world has anything in common from that of the poets,
Poets: W. Wordsworth (1770-1850), e.g., My Heart Leaps Up, I Wwandered Lonely as a Cloud,: Percy Bysshe Shelly (1792-1822), e.g., Mont Blanc, Ode to the West Wind; John Keats (1795-1821), e.g., To Autumn, Ode to Nightingale.
Painters: John Constable (1776-1837), William Turner (1775-1851), David Friedrich Caspar (1774-1840
200 ₽
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13 ноября 2016
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Выполнить задания по 7 урокам Литературы Английского языка.docx
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