Создан заказ №1502015
22 ноября 2016
План и 5 страниц по плану. Effectiveness of Lessons Learned database in Clinical Research Organization
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Effectiveness of Lessons Learned database in Clinical Research Organization". Topic needs to be narrowed. Clinical research organization is a workplace. We need theory about Lessons Learned database, its effectiveness, cons and pro
s and etc. Starting with introduction, without conclusions (there will be analysis part later).
Definition of Lessons Learned database - A documented Outcome or set of Outcomes that was or were gained through the experience of one or more specific Activities or Experiences.
A structured electronic repository that resides in a computer's Random Access Memory (RAM) or on physical storage media, such as a file system, and that is intended to store Lesson Learned related data and metadata, where such information is organized for the purpose of computer driven storage, search, retrieval, manipulation and calculation
200 ₽
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20 дней
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23 ноября 2016
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


План и 5 страниц по плану. Effectiveness of Lessons Learned database in Clinical Research Organization .docx
2016-11-26 19:52
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