Создан заказ №1568785
9 декабря 2016
Moral hazard in the institute paid parking and methods of struggle
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Написать исследовательскую работу на английском языке на тему: Moral hazard in the institute paid parking and methods of struggle
(Object: to show opportunistic behavior of drivers and operation of paid parking. Also to offer a solution to this problem with the help of institutional theory.)
По 3 в
ыбранным статьям (прикреплю позже
Structure of a paper
Your research work must consist of the following parts:
1. Abstract (0,5 of a page)
In this part you need to describe the main idea and the major result of your work. This part is intended to get your readers involved, make them interested.
2. Introduction and problem setting (1 – 1,5 p.)
What do you study? Why did you decide to study this particular problem? What is a main idea?
3. Body (5 - 10 p.)
Literature review is a foundation of your paper. You must choose at least 3 academic articles that were published in English and are relevant to your research. It is not allowed to pick articles that have a Russian translation or variant. If you analyses less than 3, or if they are not going to fit other named parameters, your mark will be lowered.
Articles considered in reports are not to be taken.
More to this:
▪ You are to build a formal model that allows it to solve the problem, and to illustrate it by giving practical examples.
▪ You are to build a verbal “model” – a chain of coherent arguments within the chosen theory – which allows it to solve the problem, and to illustrate it by giving practical examples.
▪ You are to analyse data and build a theoretical model which will allow it to solve the problem. You are to illustrate it by giving practical examples.
From this model-related part of your paper it should be clear how you used the ideas found by making a literature review.
4. Conclusion (1 - 1,5 p.)
In this part you must reflect your major results. Your conclusions must stem directly from the goals you expressed in an introductory part.
5. References
You are to note all the sources you used for your work. Note that you must put complete data on the source or a full web link of the source. In the body of your work there must be references to the named sources.
- If you quote an extract from an article or a book word for word, this fragment must be surrounded by quotation marks, and on the same page there must be a footnote with a reference to the source and a complete data on it (up to the page number).
- If you render the ideas of the author, use the author's results or reasoning, you also must put a footnote with a complete reference to the source and a page number or page numbers where the ideas you use can be found.
Page layout: typeface – Times New Roman (size – 12 pt), spacing between lines – 1.5, fields – 2 cm each.
Please note that your paper must have a very clear statement of the research question (in the introductory part) you ask, as well as the answer to this question (in the conclusion).
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик воспользовался гарантией, чтобы исполнитель повысил уникальность работы
10 декабря 2016
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Moral hazard in the institute paid parking and methods of struggle .docx
2020-04-25 18:25
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