Создан заказ №1639065
5 января 2017
Составить 5 типов вопросов (general, special, alternative, dijunctive, subject)
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Составить 5 типов вопросов (general, special, alternative, dijunctive, subject) к каждой из 6 частей и указать ответ
1.Environmental engineering is concerned with the control of all those which exercise or may exercise deleterious effect on his development, health and sundial with the consideration
the physical, economic and social imp act of the control measures applied. Environmental
engineering deals with the application of engineering principles to the control, modification and
adaption of the physical, chemical and biological factors of the environment in the interest of
man’s health, comfort and social wellbeing. In this textbook, some aspects of environmental
engineering, such as ecology, water supply systems, waste water treatment and disposal, rural
sanitation and air pollution are presented.
2. The water that percolates down through the porous upper crust of the earth is substantially
“filtered” by that process. Most of the particulate matter is removed, much of the organic
contamination is consumed by bacterial activity in the soil, and a relatively clean, mildly acidic
solution results. This acidic condition allows the water to dissolve many minerals, especially
limestone, which contributes calcium. Other geologic formations contribute minerals, such as
magnesium, iron, sulfates and chlorides. The addition of these minerals usually raises
groundwater pH to a range of 7 to 8.5.
3. Boiling is one of the most re liable methods of disinfecting water at household level.
Provided that water is brought to the boiling point, and is kept boiling for 15 to 20 minutes, all
forms of micro-organisms, including the most resistant spores or cysts, will be destroyed. Furthermore, boiling is effective for all kinds of raw water, unless the water contains toxic
chemicals which boiling cannot destroy.
4. In 1854, cholera claimed the lives of 10,675 people in London, England. In 1910, the
death rate from typhoid fever in the City of Toronto, Canada, was 40.8 per 100,000. By 1931 it
had fallen to 0.5 per 100,000. These improvements all related to the extensive water purification
and sterilization techniques that were introduced to municipal water treatment systems during
that period.
5. Igneous rocks are the oldest, having been formed by the solidification of the molten core
of the earth or magma. They form about 95 % of the earth’s crust, which is up to 16 km thick.
Depending on whether solidification occurred slowly within the earth’s crust or rapidly at the
surface, the igneous rocks are defined as plutonic or volcanic, respectively.
6 “Clothing is considered to be a large source of nanosilver emissions already,” says Rickard
Arvidsson. “If silver usage in clothing continues to increase, the consequences for the
environment can be major. For example, silver can accumulate in soil if sludge from waste water
treatment plants is used as fertilizer, which can result in long-term damage to soil ecosystems.”
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6 января 2017
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Составить 5 типов вопросов (general, special, alternative, dijunctive, subject).jpg
2018-10-26 08:13
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