Создан заказ №1778701
27 февраля 2017
Information strategy of e-Government information system
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Проект на английском языке. Точь-в точь, что вы делали для меня в прошлый раз (информационная система), только теперь по государственной структуре. 5-7 страниц в ворде и небольшая презентация с самым главным.
От преподавателя:
Primary goal is to make Information strategy of eGovernment Information
System in a selected country in agribusiness context. The project is developed by a team students.
The offer of eGovernment Information Systems for the agricultural enterprises and farmers is very various among countries. Good examples regarding eGovernment Information System focused on the agricultural sector may be seen at the French Ministry of Agriculture (www. agriculture.gouv.fr), the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (www.agriculture.gov.au), and the United States Department of Agriculture (www.usda.gov).
The project assignments:
Select a country with eGovernment Information System (eGOIS) in agribusiness.
Analyse of the state of the eGOIS and ICT. Describe of currently used eGOIS and ICT in the selected country.
Analyse of the user requirements (Deficiency Analysis) of the selected part of eGOIS.
Specification and project plan for innovation of the selected eGOIS.
Proposal for a the new information strategy / design the innovations of existing information strategy.
For example:
The Czech Ministry of Agriculture has been building the Farmer’s Portal for farmers and agriculture enterprises to promote electronic communication between agriculture public bodies and private agricultural companies and farmers (www.eagri.cz).
There are registries or applications for farmers at the Farmer’s Portal: public website of the portal, registry of land (LPIS), registry of animals, evidence of plant protection products and fertilizers, and eAGRI Portal for subsidies (SZIF).
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
28 февраля 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Information strategy of e-Government information system.docx
2017-03-03 03:20
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