Создан заказ №1785551
2 марта 2017
Эссе по истории на английском языке СРОЧНО!!!
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
"In 1550, the West was simply another civilization. By 1750, it had overtaken the Rest in all spheres." Discuss.
Due March 10. Hand in before lecture. One page maximum. Only major points. Bibliography on a separate page, only simple references to lectures and seminars.
- define 'West' in a
nd up to 1550
- list areas of transformation
- what is modernity; secularism; are there equivalents elsewhere?
- use as comparison Mughal India, Ottomans, classical Islamic civilization
- or: encounter of Britain and India (up to 1750)
- did the West triumph in 'all' areas. Narrow areas: religion, science, technology, politics.
- cf West's religious wars and bloodshed; decline of religion = good or bad, a model for Rest or not?
References: simple references to the lectures and seminar notes are enough: Lecture on classical Islam. Notes on Reformation, etc. Only use seminar and lecture materials.
Make it concise, well thought-out in advance.
Все дополнительные файлы и описание здесь:
200 ₽
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3 марта 2017
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Эссе по истории на английском языке СРОЧНО!!!.docx
2020-04-19 22:50
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