Создан заказ №1800674
6 марта 2017
Product that had been developed to tackle the environmental concern! For example recyclable phone or..
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Focus your essay on an example taken from a company or organisation, for instance: a sustainability policy (e.g. evaluating its ecological value); a product/object/innovation that has been developed to tackle an environmental concern (e.g. a recyclable phone) or known to have caused environmental pr
oblems; a management process (e.g. recycling electronic waste, saving water) a confrontation with an environmental protest (e.g. anti-fracking, south Dakota water protectors), or a specific response to an environmental issue more broadly (e.g. water pollution, climate change, water stewardship). This list is not exhaustive, you are welcome to explore other ideas and discuss them with the module leader.
If you choose an empirical approach your essay should include
a detailed description of your organisation and problem of focus. What do they do, how, users and stakeholders? Describe the problem and environmental
issue or issues you are focusing on.
a critical analysis of its ecological implications using a theoretical approach
from the module completed with your own private study and reading of academic literature (e.g. you can choose to analyse a company’s policy for environmental sustainability from the perspective of the recycling of waste, and look at how this puts in practice elements of ecology (cyclic thinking) ecological management (supply chain loops) and how it could be done better (implementing principles or business models from the “circular economy”)).
You can also include relevant information from the press (but remember this does not replace the appropriate use of academic literature)
500 ₽
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9 марта 2017
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Product that had been developed to tackle the environmental concern! For example recyclable phone or.. .docx
2021-03-09 11:41
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