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Убрать ненужное слово в тексте
Создан заказ №1830975
15 марта 2017

Убрать ненужное слово в тексте

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
6. Read the texts below and look carefully at each line. If the line is correct, put a tick (√). If it has a word that shouldn’ be there, write this word on the line, as in the examples (0 and 00). A. SELLING YOUR HOUSE 0 Why do some of people find it so difficult to sell their house, of 00 while other people manage to do this within hours of it going √ 1 on the sale market? You might be surprised how little you 2 have to do to persuade someone to buy your house. 3 Always remember that the first impressions count A well-kept 4 garden and a freshly painted door will to create a positive ….. 5 atmosphere, while a full dustbin and many junk in the garden ….. 6 will put possible buyers off it. Make sure the inside of the …… 7 house will gives the feeling of space, and don't leave your ….. 8 clothes lying around. Hang up clothes, tidy away books and 9 newspapers, and never leave a pile of dirty plates in the sink 10 Scent is such important, too. Avoid cooking fish or curry 11 before someone is views the house, but the aroma of fresh 12 coffee or newly baked bread does creates the right effect 13 Also soft lighting with lamps will give a cosier atmosphere 14 Touches like these are could be the difference between you 15 making a quick sale or no sale at all. Good luck! B. WORKING MUMS Gone are the days when the. most women were housewives who __the_ stayed at home to raise their children and take care of their _√__ husbands. Nowadays, the more majority of them have joined the ___ workforce, trying to succeed both at home and at work. There are ___ certainly more opportunities for women who they are determined ___ to have successful careers. However, every experts claim that ___ pre-school children whose mothers work full-time are less likely ___ to do well in school. In addition, there is and an increase in the ___ amount of stress that these children have experience in later life. ___ Children whose mothers only work for part-time suffer the same ___ harmful effects, although not as dramatically These findings ___ suggest it may not be a good idea for mothers of so young ___ children to take on some jobs. On the one other hand, some of ___ them have no choice, because going back to work is an economic ___ necessity for them. One possible solution it could be for more ___ companies to hire part-time workers, so that mothers can ___ successfully to raise a family and have a career at the same time. ___
100 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
16 марта 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Заказ выполнил
Убрать ненужное слово в тексте.docx
2017-03-19 02:57
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