Создан заказ №1844310
19 марта 2017
Как культура влияет на становление личности человека
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
It will be a short (5 pages) written exercise based on a material that each student will collect in the form of an interview. This exercise is supposed to help students apply the concept of cultural explanation of human behaviour.
This is a written exercise in a form of a narration –
it is a little bit like telling a story. It should be based on an unstructured interview with a person of your choice.
This person can be a member of your family, a friend, an acquaintance – whoever you choose. The only condition is that this must be a person who belongs to the same cultural group you do.
You expected to identify how culture of the group influences social habits, behavior, values and norms of individual;
what biases, prejudice, stereotypes he or she has,
to what degree the person is ethnocentric and from what sources the ethnocentrism is derived;
how culture contributes to marriage mate selection and gender roles distribution in a family of the respondent;
how culture influences educational and occupational choices of individual.
200 ₽
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20 дней
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20 марта 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Как культура влияет на становление личности человека.docx
2018-02-19 23:25
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