Создан заказ №1905767
4 апреля 2017
Дипломная работа на английском языке! 45 страниц!
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Предмет: Law & Diplomacy
Описание: Bachelor Thesis:
Comparison: Humanitarian Intervention and R2P from
Kosovo to Libya
One of the fundamental international legal norms of interstate relations is to avoid the use of force enshrined in Article 2 of the UN Charter, which prohibits any
threat or use of force against the "territorial integrity" or "political independence" or any other way "inconsistent with the objectives of the United Nations. " On the other hand, Article 2 of the Charter contains a prohibition on interference by the UN in its relations with Member States; thus, the military intervention of the Member States is possible in exceptional case only when the Security Council has determined the breach of the peace, a threat to peace or act of aggression (Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations).
The collision under the Constitution between the will to maintain peace and security on the one hand, and the growing importance of human rights, for which the possible of the use of force is possible on the other hand, constitute the essence of the problems associated with the possibility of intervention.
On the 24th of March 1999, NATO started the air campaign against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The UN Security Council had not authorized this operation, and it was the first time when NATO used military forces against a sovereign state that did not pose a direct threat to any of the member of the NATO alliance. NATO’s decision was based on the inability of the UN Security Council to make a decision concerning the Kosovo case. So in order to avoid situation like Kosovo, in 2005 during the a historic gathering of the world leaders in New York’s World Summit in 2005, the General Assembly adopted to what is now known as the principle of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P).
The aim of this work is to show how the theory of international relations can explain states’ responses to situations like Kosovo (1999) and Libya (2011). It will be examined whether the states’ responses to humanitarian crises have changed after the R2P was adopted. The hypothesis is, although, the adoption of R2P was a big progress of the liberal school, the realism was still the dominant theory in both cases. The first part will describe the concept of the humanitarian intervention. The second part will assess the Kosovo case from both liberal and realist perspectives. The third part will assess the Libyan case from both liberal and realist perspective. The fourth part will compare both cases and based on all the research the conclusion will be made.
3000 ₽
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11 апреля 2017
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Дипломная работа на английском языке! 45 страниц!.docx
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