Создан заказ №2146238
30 мая 2017
What obstacles are faced in starting a new venture and how to deal with these obstacles ?
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
1. Introduction
A few pages of general analysis introducing the presented issues, giving a rough outline of the subject matter of the thesis and its applicability in practice. The chapter should end by introducing the aim of the thesis, its scope and research hypotheses, which will be verified in su
bsequent chapters. It is also recommended to briefly outline the structure (content) of particular chapters.
2. The main body
The structure of this chapter may contain:
2.1. Project – assumption description (scheme, decision tree, algorithm, process, technology, structure, model, etc.).
2.2. Technology (choice of the method and technology for realizing the project, including computer tools).
2.3. Implementation – documentation of the project (drawings, graphics, spreadsheet, program, system, structure, directive) – may be included in an attachment to the thesis – if the description is extensive, or on a CD – if it is in an electronic form, e.g. application, computer program, graphics, educational module.
2.4. Activation and testing (or examples for application, use of options, variables scope change etc.)
Note!! – it is recommended to divide this part into chapters.
3. Conclusion
The author assesses the degree in which the aim of the thesis has been achieved and also indicates the reasons for not achieving it in full. The author should also express here his/her conclusions concerning the possibility of further improvement of the project (e.g. optimization) and indicate possible directions of changes.
4. Literature
The student should give all sources used in the thesis, including webpage addresses beside monographic publication
3000 ₽
Заказчик оплатил в рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
6 июня 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


What obstacles are faced in starting a new venture and how to deal with these obstacles ?.docx
2017-06-09 02:48
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Спасибо автору за работу, выполненную на высоком уровне. Автор всегда на связи, все корректировки своевременны. Все замечания и требования были учтены. Всем рекомендую!!!