Создан заказ №2230909
23 августа 2017
Exploring successful implementation of AI technology in Lithuanian Companies
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
The work is about artificial intelligence. Need to describe the following points: 1. What is Lithuania's difference in this aspect from silicon valley and others. (Year, must be no more than 5 years, but may be older). 3. Exploring: what people, processes, discover what succesful implementation is.
4. Any technology succesful implementation ... machine learning and other, implementation and organization (any technology, not necessarily AI, is used). 5. AI technology is different from other technology because it is sophisticated and requires special features. (Most Important Parts) 6. Succession factors and description, different authors cite different succes factors, literature review. RESEARCH. You will need categories of factors. Straightforward to do a structure. The key to measuring them is to write it. 7. Conclusion About 50 scientific sources need to be used for the work. Please use references where the author's thoughts are used
200 ₽
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24 августа 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Exploring successful implementation of AI technology in Lithuanian Companies.docx