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Студенческая работа на тему:
Создан заказ №2238270
31 августа 2017


Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
1. Прочтите и переведите текст со словарем: My Naughty Little Sister Learns to Knit When my sister was five and she went to school, a nice woman and her husband came to live near our house. The woman's name was Mrs. Jones. But my little sister called her Mrs. Cocoa Jones. Do you know why my siste r called her so? In summer, when we had our school vacation, Nancy went to Mrs. Jones every morning at eleven o'clock to drink cocoa. Mrs. Jones had no children, and she did not like to drink her cocoa alone. She liked to talk to my little sister. They were good friends. That is why my little sister called her Mrs. Cocoa Jones. Mrs. Cocoa Jones liked to knit. She knitted many nice things for my sister and me and for our dolls, too. One day Mrs. Cocoa Jones said to my sister: "Do you want to learn to knit?" "Not very much," said my sister. "But you can make presents for your mother, father and sister," said Mrs. Jones. "I like to make presents. Teach me to knit," said my little sister. Mrs. Jones gave my little sister some wool and two needles and showed her how to knit. But my little sister did not learn to knit well. She did not like to sit in one place, she liked to run and to play. Mrs. Jones's husband was very nice, too. He liked to talk to my little sister. She was so funny. "Next month Mr. Jones will have a birthday," said Mrs. Jones. "So I want to knit a present for him." My little sister did not say a word, but she took some wool. She wanted to make a present for Mr. Jones, too. She wanted to knit a long scarf for him. She took yellow, green, red and blue wool and knitted a scarf. Her scarf was yellow and green, red and blue, but it was not long. It was short, because my little sister could not knit very well. She did not want to show us her scarf, so she knitted in the shed and in the garden under the apple-tree. Nancy gave this scarf to Mr. Jones on his birthday. "Thank you very much," said Mr. Jones. "I like your scarf very much. It is very beautiful. I'll put it on only on holidays." 2. Письменно переведите прилагательные на русский язык и напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения: little, short, beautiful, green, yellow, funny, long, red, nice, good. 3. Образуйте множественное число существительных, сделав все необходимые изменения в предложениях: 1. It’s a long needle. 2. This is a scarf. 3. That’s a new doll. 4. It’s a garden. 5. It’s a nice present. 6. He is a good friend. 7. It’s a black cat. 8. She is a wonderful child. 9. It’s an apple-tree. 10. He is a nice boy. 11. It’s a yellow leaf. 12. It’s a white sheep. 4. Письменно переведите и поставьте глаголы в форму прошедшего времени: say, put, give, knit, take, can, show, drink, live, go, come, want, make, have, talk, run, play, learn, call. 5.Составьте словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык: say a birthday knit near our house talk a school vacation take in the shed have a word knit on his birthday have a scarf put the scarf to my little sister live some wool and two needles make a present give the scarf to Mr. Jones on holidays 6. Составьте 6 предложений, употребив данные выше выражения. 7. Переделайте предложения. Используйте their, her, his. 1) When Nancy was five and she went to school, a nice woman and her husband came to live near our house. 2)She liked to talk to my little sister. 3) She knitted many nice things for my sister and for our dolls, too. 4) He liked Nancy's scarf very much. 5) Mrs. Jones gave my little sister some wool and two needles. 6) She could make presents for your mother, father. 8. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам: 1) My sister was five and she went to school. (How old ...?) 2) A nice woman and her husband came to live near our house. (Where ...?) 3) Nancy went to Mrs. Jones every morning at eleven o'clock to drink cocoa. (What time ...?) 4) In summer we had our school vacation. (When ...?) 5) She liked to talk to my little sister.(What ...?) 6) She wanted to make a present for Mr. Jones, too. (Who ... for?) 7) Her scarf was yellow and green, red and blue. (What colour ...?) 8) She knitted in the shed and in the garden under the apple-tree. (Where ...?) 9) Nancy gave this scarf to Mr. Jones on his birthday. (When ...?) 9.Согласитесь или не согласитесь. Укажите письменно true (верно) или false (ложно): 1) When Nancy was five she went to school. 2) A nice family came to live near their house. 3) In summer, when they had their school vacation, Nancy went to Mrs. Jones every evening at six o'clock to drink tea. 4) Mrs. Jones had two children. 5) Mrs.Cocoa Jones liked to draw. 6) Nancy liked to make presents. 7) She wanted to knit a short scarf for Mr. Jones. 8) Her scarf was yellow and green, red and blue, but it was not long. 9) Mr. Jones would put the scarf on only on holidays. 10. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту: 1) Who came to live near their house? 2)How many children did the Jones have? 3) Why did Nancy call the woman Mrs. Cocoa Jones? 4) Why did Nancy want to learn to knit? 5) Did she like to sit in one place? 6) Who would have a birthday next month? 7) Who did she want to knit a present for? 8)Where did she knit the scarf? 9)What colour was it? 10) Did Mr. Jones like it? 11. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы: 1. What is your name? 2. Who are you? 3. How old are you? 4. What are you? 5. When is your birthday? 6. How many friends have you got? 7. What are your best companions like? 8. Are you married or single? 9. Have you got a large family? 10. Have you got a father and a mother (a sister and a brother, a niece and a nephew)? 11. Is your niece (nephew) naughty (friendly, nice, good-natured, generous, polite, gentle, understanding, warm-hearted, merry, well brought up)? 12. What is she (he) is fond of (birds and animals, toys and books)? 13. What are you fond of? (playing sports and games, reading magazines and newspapers, watching TV, listening to music, reading books on history, fine arts, medicine, fantasy). 14. Have you got a pet in the house? (dog, cat, fish) 15. What animal or bird are you eager to have? 12. Напишите о себе и о своей семье (не менее 12 предложений)
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
1 сентября 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Заказ выполнил
2021-04-05 01:20
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