Создан заказ №2391331
6 ноября 2017
Writing a body paragraph of a discursive essay
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Title: today there are over a billion vehicles in the world, and within twenty years , the number will double, largely a consequence of China and India’s explosive growth. Given that greenhouse gases are already creating havoc with our climate and that violent conflict in unstable oil-rich nations i
s on the rise, will matters only get worse? Or are the hopeful signs that effective, realistic solutions can be found? Discuss the effectiveness of solutions to this issue currently being tried around the world.
200-250 words
1. State your main argument clearly
2. Include supporting points in a logical order
3. Explain or define any key terms or concepts where necessary
4. Use relevant evidence to support your points- from this module or your own research
5. Ensure that citations are appropriately presented and referenced
6. Include comment and \or evaluation to make your own stance clear
200 ₽
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7 ноября 2017
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Writing a body paragraph of a discursive essay.docx
2020-04-11 17:42
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