Создан заказ №2402859
9 ноября 2017
Ответы на теоретические вопросы + решение одной задачи
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Вопросы на которые необходимо дать ответ указаны на английском, однако отвечать можно на русском.
Срок не очень большой, но буду очень признателен за помощь!
(a) What are the relevant factors for evaluating which survey method (face-to-face,
telephone, online) is best suited to a particular resear
ch project?
(suggested length 300–400 words)
(b) What are the major decisions involved in constructing an itemised rating scale (such
as Likert scales)?
(suggested length 300–400 words)
(c) Transport for London is the local government body responsible for most aspects of
the transport system in London. Its role is to implement the transport strategy and
to manage transport services across London.
TfL launched the Night Tube service on the London Underground in August 2016.
Currently, the Night Tube operates on Friday and Saturday nights across five lines
(the Central, Jubilee, Northern, Piccadilly and Victoria lines). TfL management
would consider expansion of the service to more lines and/or other nights of the
week, subject to consumer demand.
Some 1.34 billion passenger journeys are made each year on London Underground
(albeit with many individuals making multiple journeys), however there is no
sampling frame with full coverage of all distinct passengers available. Despite this
limitation, TfL management wants to conduct market research to assess consumer
appetite for an extension to the Night Tube service, which may have fare
implications. At present Night Tube fares are classified as off-peak, although a
special night-off-peak fare could be introduced, depending on passengers’ price
TfL has invited you to devise an appropriate sampling scheme (for example quota
sampling, simple random sampling, stratified sampling etc.) to research attitudes
towards developing the Night Tube. Propose the most suitable sampling method,
explaining your choice by describing the advantage(s), but also any disadvantage(s).
Your answer should also address reasons for rejecting other sampling methods.
(suggested length 700–800 words)
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
10 ноября 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Ответы на теоретические вопросы + решение одной задачи.docx