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Создан заказ №2404751
9 ноября 2017

Ответы на вопросы

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Упр. 1. Эквиваленты Модальных Глаголов (A) Перепишите предложения и переведите их. Подчеркните те эквиваленты, которые можно заменить модальными глаголами. 1. German Rail had to withdraw passenger services on about 30 secondary lines in eastern Germany because of the poor state of the infrastructu re. 2. The Japan’s fastest trains called Hikari (‘Light’) are able to cover the distance of 1,068 km from Tokyo to Hakata in less than 7 hours. 3. Fifteen 1,800 hp diesel-electric locos produced by the Hungarian plants are to be delivered to the Brazilian Railways later this year. 4. The attention of the railway authorities of all countries has to be focused on the development of high-speed passenger and freight service. 5. Steam locomotives weren't able to haul very heavy trains at a high speed. (B). Заполните пропуски соответствующими эквивалентами модальных глаголов. 1. As a rule, passengers ___ enter a baggage car while a train is in motion. 2. The attendant ___ check up tickets of all the passengers before the train departure. 3. They ___ leave the day after tomorrow as there are no tickets for today’s train. 4. You ___ call the railway station to enquire about the train schedule. 5. To get to Edinburgh, we ___ change trains in Birmingham. a) will have to b) are able to c) had to d) is to e) aren’t allowed to Упр. 2. Герундий Перепишите предложения и переведите их. 1. The method of controlling the movement of all trains on a line from a central point is called Centralized Traffic Control. 2. A long tunnel was bored through the mountain but laying railway tracks in this tunnel wasn’t planned. 3. As the seats in Metro cars are arranged in rows on both sides of the carriage, the passengers can easily take their seats without causing trouble to other people. 4. Special machines are used for removing old sleepers from the track, preparing ballast bed and placing new sleepers. Упр. 3. Ing-Формы Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием -ing. Подчеркните причастие одной чертой, а герундий – двумя. 1. Russian Railways is one of the world’s biggest railway companies employing 1.2 million people and handling 80% of all passenger transportation and 82% of all freight in Russia. 2. The Severn Valley Railway boasts one of the largest collections of working steam locomotives and coaches, including some rolling stock, which is over 80 years old. 3. The cost of operating a railway line depends on the weight of trains, quantity of stops, frequency of traffic and other factors. 4. Two or more locomotives are used for pulling trains consisting of eighty freight cars. Упр. 4. Атрибутивные Словосочетания Перепишите данные словосочетания и переведите их, обращая внимание на правила перевода определений, выраженных существительными. 1. 1,000 horse-power diesel engine 2. emergency stopping device 3. freight train tare weight 4. engine cooling system 5. steam locomotive efficiency 6. air brake failure 7. old marshalling yard reconstruction 8. train operation safety Упр. 5. Задайте альтернативные вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. The schedule of this train has been changed for the summer period. 2. Toronto plans to spend $C1.66 billion for expanding the metro and buying new cars. 3. Construction of new railroads for high-speed passenger trains was pioneered by Japan. 4. Long-welded rails improve riding qualities of trains. 5. Rails are affected by temperature changes. 6. In 1840, the USA had 2,800 miles of railroad tracks consisting mainly of short lines. Упр. 6. Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его. Выполните упражнения, данные после текста, письменно. ST.PETERSBURG-TSARSKOE SELO RAILWAY (1) The Tsarskoselskaya Railway is the first Russian public railway running between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo. Until 1851 it was the only railway in the country and the 6th in the world. Its construction started on May 1, 1836 and took 18 months to complete. (2) On January 6, 1835, Franz Anton von Gerstner, an Austrian engineer sent a letter to the Russian Emperor Nicholas I proposing to construct a railway network in Russia. Von Gerstner had perfect qualifications for the project since he had been the engineer of the first public railway on the European continent – the Danube-Moldavia line. He wrote about the advantages, which railway construction had brought to other countries. Von Gerstner gave the examples of American railways to show that they could operate under severe weather conditions in the winter. He also emphasized that due to Russia's geography, railways would benefit it. The relatively flat terrain made railways easy to build and the large distances made them profitable to operate. To convince the Emperor, von Gerstner proposed to build an experimental line from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo. According to the project, the railway was to start near the center of the Russian capital, travel along the Obvodnyi Canal and then lead to Pavlovsk Park in Tsarskoe Selo. The Obvodnyi Canal was to be crossed by a bridge. The route was to be a straight line with only one curve near a bridge over the Obvodny Canal. (3) On March 21 1836, the plan was approved. Von Gerstner had promised that the line would be completed by October 1, 1836. He immediately left for Europe to order locomotives, cars, rails and other equipment. He chose the best manufacturers and insisted on high quality despite added costs. (4) When von Gerstner returned, earthworks were underway and bridges were being erected. The forest on either side of the line was cleared to 420 feet out, the swampy areas were drained, and embankments were built. The large bridge over the Obvodniy Canal went up slowly due to the size and location of the bridge, but the other 34 bridges were erected rather quickly. (5) By the end of 1836, eight kilometers of track had been laid down. The track was constructed with the heaviest cast iron rails available. The wooden sleepers were treated with tar to prevent them from decay. Special measures were taken to ensure that the tracks would not be damaged by winter freezes and thaws. Everything was done to the highest possible quality. (6) Although none of the locomotives had arrived by the October 1 deadline, von Gerstner demonstrated the line on September 27. Horses were used to pull two trains of two carriages each along the 3 km. Trials were also held on the two following Sundays with great success. By November, several locomotives had been delivered and were ready to be tested. On November 3, 1836, one of the locomotives pulled 5 carriages up and down the completed sections of the line. (7) The official opening of the Tsarskoe Selo Railway took place on October 30, 1837. Many guests of honor, including Emperor Nicholas I, and a crowd of curious spectators attended the ceremony. Driven by von Gerstner, the Provornyi locomotive pulled 8 passenger carriages from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo, reaching the top speed of 64 kmh on one section of the track. That day, it took a train 35 minutes to cover 23 kilometers. (8) After the inauguration, regular service between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo began. Initially, trains were drawn by horses and only on Sundays by steam engines; but after April 4, 1838, steam power was used exclusively. Упр. 7. Перепишите 3, 4, 5 абзацы текста и письменно переведите их Упр. 8. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих фраз: 1. эксплуатироваться в условиях суровой зимы 2. прямая железная дорога с одним кривым участком 3. работы по сооружению земляного полотна шли полным ходом 4. участки земли по обе стороны от линии были очищены от лесонасаждений 5. чугунные рельсы самого тяжёлого типа 6. шпалы пропитывали смолой 7. чтобы рельсовый путь не разрушался под воздействием зимних морозов и оттепелей 8. лошади использовались для того, чтобы тащить состав из 2 вагонов 9. испытания прошли с большим успехом 10. было начато регулярное сообщение между Санкт Петербургом и Царским Селом Упр. 9. Перепишите предложения. Если утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, напишите "True", если не соответствует – "False". Исправьте неверные утверждения. 1. In January 1835, Emperor Nicholas I sent a letter to Franz von Gerstner proposing to build the railway from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo. 2. According to von Gerstner, no other country could benefit from railways as much as Russia, due to its climate. 3. The first railway ran along quite a straight line with the sole curvature near a bridge over the Obvodny Canal. 4. Thirty four bridges were erected on the railway line; the bridge over the Vedenskii Canal was the largest one. 5. On October 30, 1837, the hooter of a steam locomotive, the Provorny, marked the inauguration of the country's first, 27-kilometre-long, railway that ran from St Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo. Упр. 10. Из предложенных вариантов, выберите правильный ответ на вопрос к тексту. 1. Why did von Gerstner leave for Europe in March 1836? a) to celebrate the beginning of construction b) to hire foreign railway builders c) to order locomotives, cars, rails, and other equipment d) to raise capital for railway construction 2. What were the rails made of? a) steel b) wrought iron c) wood d) cast iron 3. Why were horses used to pull two trains during the track testing in September 27, 1836? a) because horse power was cheaper and more ecologically friendly than steam power b) because heavy locomotives could damage the newly built track c) because none of the locomotives was delivered by the deadline d) because people were afraid of traveling by steam trains 4. Von Gerstner promised that the line would be completed by October 1, 1836. Did he keep his word? a) Yes, he did b) No, he didn't 5. When did regular service between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo start? a) after October 1, 1836 b) after November 3, 183
200 ₽
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10 ноября 2017
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