Создан заказ №2497965
2 декабря 2017
Анализ ПАО "Газпром" по инструменту value chain за последние 5 лет
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Объем 1,5 - две страницы где-то, как у вас получится в общем, сильно много не надо делать. Вот пример работы по другой организации (SABMiller в Африке), но он на английском (мне нужно на русском).
Value chain
The strongest part of value chain in SABMiller is logistic. Raw materials are provided by
local farmers, that give SABMiller lots of benefits, such as:
lower costs, higher quality, development of local community. SABMiller provides trainings for farmer to make this supply chain stable and reliable.
SABMiller sells its products to small traders in Africa. They hire independent drivers and entrepreneurs, who can deliver products to every location. Also they do partnering with local banks to provide credit to small shops, to be able to buy beer products. Everything that SABMiller does in that area gives positive results for both of sides of this partnering. Both of these logistics (inbound and outbound) primary aimed at improving the quality of life of the partners, which gives a lot of benefits. Local community’s wealth is growing, loyalty of them and their families and friends to this company is growing as well. So farmers and other local partners become loyal workforce and consumers at the same time.
Considering operation, SABMiller is bottling soft drinks with Coca-Cola, apart from brewing. This process requires less demand comparing with brewing beer, and also it is another good way to expand it’s operations in Africa. Due to this cooperation, SABMiller gained the rights to produce some soft drinks, that can increase the popularity of this company among this continent.
SABMiller’s marketing seeks to promote its brands to consumers. It does not promote the consumption of alcohol by people who would not otherwise drink. Information about the attributes and availability of its brands should be communicated to adults because it helps them to make educated choices about what they want to drink and when.
Procurement is another strong side of SABMiller. Partnering with local suppliers, through building long-term stable relationships. SABMiller participates in supplier’s development, recognizing that sustainable
development of its suppliers is critical to its joint success. Standards, that SABMiller expects from their suppliers, formulated in SABMiller Supplier Code of Conduct. SABMiller procurement is a member of Suppliers Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) and AIM-PROGRESS.
Infrastructure - SABMiller standardizes its finance, administration, procurement and human resources among their companies that saves costs and allows to share experience with each other. Using a common system for optimizing the planning and supply chain operations (SABMiller 2013 & SABMiller 2014)
100 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
3 декабря 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Анализ ПАО "Газпром" по инструменту value chain за последние 5 лет.docx
2017-12-06 20:04
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Большое спасибо за прекрасно выполненную работу, которая выполнена с умом, а не скачена с интернета. Автор находит определённый подход к каждому, пытается помочь по максимуму и всегда на связи. Рекомендую автора!!!