Создан заказ №2567704
24 декабря 2017
Билеты к экзамену
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Необходимо написать 12 сочинений-билетов к экзамену. В каждый из билетов нужно включить 25 лексических единиц,5 фразовых глаголов и 5 глаголов с предлогами (скину вам в личные сообщения). Объём - 250-300 слов.
Темы: The dangers of hero worship. What advice would you give to someone with celebrity w
orship syndrome?
2. “To-day’s impunity is to-morrow’s crime” (Human Rights Watch, nongovernmental organization. Report). Which crimes are a problem in your native city/town/country?
3. Where did superheroes come from? Do you agree with the opinion that superheroes were created in America, they're most popular in America, and at their best, they embody American ideals?
4. Job interview. What advice would you give to someone who’s attending their first job interview? Mention the things which are not to be said and done.
5. Good deeds. What is the most altruistic thing that a person can do? Have you ever made a sacrifice for another person?
6. Charity-giving. Why do people support charities? What are the most popular charities in Russia? Which charities would you give money to?
7. What are the least preferable jobs in your country? Why? Are they the same as in other countries?
8. Top Online Scams Used by Cyber Criminals. How to avoid being a victim of cybercrime?
9. What makes people happy? What are the ingredients of happiness? Does happiness of the country depend on its wealth?
10. What kind of natural landscape do you enjoy most? If you could travel to any natural location in the world, what would you most want to see?
11. What books about villains have you read? Why are people interested in them? Do you find it at all strange that stories about cruel, murdering, heartless villains should catch people’s imagination, and seem romantic?
12. “No wallet, no worries.” Is cash on the verge of extinction in some countries? Will people reject cash payments in the near future and turn to digital money (credit cards, bitcoin, smartphone banking)? Support your opinion with arguments
200 ₽
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20 дней
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25 декабря 2017
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Билеты к экзамену .docx
2020-05-25 23:30
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