Создан заказ №2639410
19 января 2018
Why are the differences in the voting behavior of urban and rural areas growing in many countries?
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Word length: Each essay should be between 1250-1500 words.
Format: Use conventional (12 point) fonts and margins. Please make sure the essay has a (1) title, (2) page numbers, (3) indicates your name, and (4) provides a word count. **Please make sure to proofread your essay before submitting**
he grading criteria will be based on: 1- Clarity and insightfulness of your argument and analysis; 2- Use of the class material and external references that support your reasoning; 3- Organization your essay that presents a clear and navigable structure with introduction, body, and conclusion; 4- Quality of writing that avoids blatant spelling and grammar mistakes.
b) Your essay should start by providing a clear thesis. The rest of the paper should no provide a shopping list of interesting items or simply tell a story, but should develop the main thesis. You can present several arguments supporting your thesis and illustrate them with empirical cases. You can also discuss counter-examples and limitations of your argument. Ideally, that argument should frame the entire essay with every point you make adding something to your argument. There are no right or wrong arguments, only good and bad arguments. We are less interested in what you argue (though it should of course be relevant to the question) than in how you make your argument. It is always a good idea to be clear which authors or theories you are drawing on and what/who you are arguing against.
b) In developing your argument be sure to make specific references to examples drawn from the course materials and external references. Making comparative and historical points is, of course, highly recommended.
c) A single system of referencing should be used throughout the essay. For example, references could take the form of the author's name, year of publication and page number. Example: (Mair 2013: 1)
200 ₽
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20 января 2018
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Why are the differences in the voting behavior of urban and rural areas growing in many countries?.docx
2019-03-29 20:56
Последний отзыв студента о бирже Автор24
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Спасибо большое за выполненную работу. Заказ был готов раньше назначенного срока и соответствовал всем требованиям. Отличный исполнитель!