Создан заказ №270138
4 сентября 2014
WTO rules and their influence on Russian economy.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
2.1. Coursework structure
A coursework paper normally consists of:
title page;
table of contents;
text main body (consisting of some units/chapters and sub-units/paragraphs);
All the structu
ral parts of the coursework should be titled. The titles play a very important role in project writing. They should give the idea of the topic and support the thesis statement.
Titles of chapters and paragraphs should closely correspond to main ideas presented in a given unit. That's why titles should be formulated as phrases, not some words.
2.4. Introduction
Introduction (not more than 1 page) is an important part of any research. It outlines the intrigue of the topic. It explains why the topic has been chosen for exploration. The introduction should formulate the problem (in its theoretical and practical aspects), and the aim of the document.
Pay attention that analysis is a means of achieving the aim. It is an instrument of research, but not the aim itself. A typical mistake is to write: "the aim of the work is to analyse this and that." You could possibly write: "The primary goal of this project is to reveal the impact of... on the.... and find effective decision of...."
As it is never possible to cover all the subjects, the scope of the analysis should be defined: what is the object of the research and what is not.
Project statement (or coursework statement) is a crucial element of the introduction: it tells the reader the assertion you wish to make about the topic. The coursework statement is a laconic (one sentence) but precise viewpoint on the subject, the main idea (main result of research) that would be supported by the project paper.
Sample of Coursework statement: "In order to improve quality of life government should base its policy on such recommendations of Welfare Economics as................."
2.5. Text main body
The text main body is the written presentation of the research. It should be well organised and logically structured. The text main body develops and supports the coursework statement.
A coursework generally consists of three chapters (units). A chapter is normally subdivided into two or three paragraphs (subunits).
A student is free to organise the main body otherwise. Still, do not make the structure too complicated. If the number of chapters and paragraphs is too big, the work looks fractioned and loses its integrity.
Usually, the first chapter shows the origin of the problem and gives its theoretical background. Mainly that is a desk research and assumes a lot of additional reading.
The second chapter presents the analysis of the gathered information. Here statistics is analysed, the properties of a phenomenon can be characterised, new trends are outlined, classifications can be given, the drawbacks and contradictions are identified.
In the third chapter the solution to the problem is suggested. A student is welcome to support his viewpoint with arguments and facts, to generalise and make forecasts. In the result the main idea of the research formulated in the project statement should be proved and supported theoretically and factually.
Pay attention: it is mandatory to apply theory to the Russian practice! Not less than 5 pages should be devoted to the analysis of the Russian economy.
To provide a logical presentation of the research there should be linking between the chapters. A short preview at the beginning of each chapter and a brief sub-conclusion at the end of a chapter make the whole work reader friendly.
Pay attention: the size of all chapters (paragraphs) should be balanced. The length of a paragraph is not less than 1 page.
2.6. Conclusion
Conclusion (not more than 1 page) is a sort of a summary. It includes the main findings and generalisations. It outlines the results of the research, so there should be no new facts, figures, concepts, etc. Conclusion may be accompanied by recommendations.
2.7. Endnotes
The work must be free of plagiarism. Whenever facts, figures, statistical tables, concepts, models, viewpoints, citations are used in the text, the reference is to be made. You must name the source of information and the author of the theory (model, concept, etc.). It is prohibited to copy someone's text without referring to the origin. Please, notice that a citation (quotation) must not be too long: just a couple of sentences.
All sources of information used in the text are listed in the Endnotes in the order of referring to them. All the endnotes are enumerated. The corresponding figures are given as superscripts in the text of the coursework. A book/article/statistical source, etc. may be referred to more than once (see points 2 and 4 in the sample below).
Besides the documentary endnotes that identify sources of quoted material there can also be explanatory endnotes that give additional explanation and comments to some facts, figures or theoretical issues mentioned in the text. Explanatory notes should be brief otherwise it is better to place them in an appendix.
All the endnotes are given in the language of the origin. That is, if it is a Russian book, it is named in Russian. Translation into English may be given in brackets.
Samples of Endnotes:
1. Smith A. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. – The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005, p.17.
2. Ibid. p.32.
3. Молоканова Д.К. Международные стандарты уровня жизни как инструмент формирования системы социальных стандартов в Российской Федерации // Вестник Российского экономического университета имени Г.В.Плеханова. 2012, №7 (49), с.18.
4. Там же, с.23.
5. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations’ global development network. It advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people built a better life.
6. Распределение общего объема денежных доходов по 20-процентным группам населения. / Социальное положение и уровень жизни населения России, 2012 . Статистический сборник Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), с. 35 // Официальная статистика // http://www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/b12_44/Main.htm
7. Poverty gap at national poverty line (%), 2009 – 2013 / The World Bank. Data. //http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.NAGP
2.8. Bibliography
Bibliography represents an alphabetic list of information sources. There should be not less than 15 entries in the Bibliography. Be sure the list includes the recently issued books and articles. Textbooks and manuals are not very welcomed in the Bibliography.
A student can construct the Bibliography so that first there go theoretical books, then the articles, afterwards - statistical publications, finally - Internet sources. In this case the alphabetic order should be kept within each part of the Bibliography.
In the Bibliography the exact page from which quotation was made is not mentioned.
Samples of entries in Bibliography:
1. Brittain A. Euro-Zone Employment Hits Low of Nearly Seven Years // Wall street Journal, March 14, 2013
2. Pigou A.C. The Economics of Welfare. - London: Macmillan and Co., 1932 // http://www.econlib.org/library/NPDBooks/Pigou/pgEW1.html#Part I, Chapter 1
3. Poverty gap at national poverty line (%), 2009 - 2013 / The World Bank. Data. //http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.NAGP
4. Smith A. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. - The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005
5. World Bank Annual Report 2013 // http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/EXTANNREP/EXTANNREP2013/0,,menuPK:9304895~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:9304888,00.html
6. Молоканова Д.К. Международные стандарты уровня жизни как инструмент формирования системы социальных стандартов в Российской Федерации // Вестник Российского экономического университета имени Г.В.Плеханова. 2012, №7 (49)
15. Социальное положение и уровень жизни населения России, 2012 . Статистический сборник Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), С. 35 // Официальная статистика // http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/publications/catalog/doc_1138698314188
Pay attention: each listed source of information should include the following: surname and initials of the author(s), full title of the work, place of publication, name of publisher, year of publication.
2.9. Appendices
This is not a mandatory part of the coursework. Appendices can contain additional graphs, statistical tables, juridical documents, long quotations, etc. - everything that is too lengthy to be included into the text main body but is desirable to give additional theoretical and/or factual support to the research.
Appendices should be titled and enumerated, each starting from a new page. Do not forget about the references to appendices.
Appendices should not live a life of their own separated from the main text. The author of the coursework should use them, appeal to them in the research. For example: "The analysis of the labour market statistics in 2009-2013 (see Appendix 3) allows to conclude, etc."
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WTO rules and their influence on Russian economy..docx
2017-05-02 23:44
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