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21 марта 2018
Прочтите текст и выделите общую идею К какой теме относится этот текст Тема компьютеры
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Задание: решить контрольную по бухучету и аудиту, срок 2 дня, очень нужно! Расписывайте, пожалуйста, подробное решение для каждой задачи.
Фрагмент выполненной работы:
Прочтите текст и выделите общую идею. К какой теме относится этот текст?
Тема: компьютеры, компьютерные технологии.
Идея: Компьютерные технологии развивают идеи программированного обучения, открывают совершенно новые, еще не исследованные технологические варианты обучения, связанные с уникальными возможностями современных компьютеров и телекоммуникаций.
2. Выпишите выходные данные статьи.
By Stephen Johnson, Sunday, June 01, 2003. (работа была выполнена специалистами Автор 24) Emerging Technology
3. Найдите в каждом параграфе предложение, высказывание, которое может служить заголовком для данного фрагмента текста.
Ответы: (под параграфом понимаю «абзац»)1. latent semantic analysis;
2. the process of training a machine to grade essays;
3. The computerized grader, dubbed Intelligent Essay Assessor;
4. How does the software pull this off?
5. The multidimensional grid identifies semantic similarities between documents;
6. it collapses the total number of dimensions down to a more manageable number;
7. human graders are still much better at determining whether the argument makes any sense;
8. We distinguish between high-stakes and medium-stakes tests;
9. Nock imagines a future for computerized grading in crucial testing environments;
10. Computerized writing coach might be better than no coach at all.
11. “word burstiness”;
12. It gives you hooks into an unknown body of literature;
13. Kleinberg's most intriguing application is an analysis of the State of the Union addresses since 1790;
14. You get to the 1980s;
15. it gives us a hook.
4. Выделите главную информацию в каждой части текста.
(здесь «часть текста» - понимаю»абзац»)
latent semantic analysis, one of several techniques that researchers and corporations are exploring to cajole machines into understanding the meaning of strings of words instead of just manipulating them;
the process of training a machine to grade essays is similar to the process of training human grader;
The computerized grader, dubbed Intelligent Essay Assessor, plots those sample essays as points in a kind of conceptual space, based on patterns of word use in the document;
Making subtle associations between different documents is simply a matter of plotting one document on the grid and locating its near neighbors;
The multidimensional grid identifies semantic similarities between documents, even if the documents themselves don't contain the same words;
The grid highlights those connections because it collapses the total number of dimensions down to a more manageable number: 300 instead of 10,000. Each word then has a fractional relationship to each dimension;
Programmers are quick to acknowledge that the software isn't good at measuring creativity or using other classic measures. Latent semantic analysis can give a good appraisal of whether an essay is on-topic and the language is erudite, but human graders are still much better at determining whether the argument makes any sense;
Pearson Education Measurement has licensed the software to help grade its preparatory exams, but high-stakes essays are still graded by humans.
We think latent semantic analysis could, down the line, replace one of those initial two graders with a machine. The machine brings a lot to the table. It costs a lot economically to train those human graders. And the latent semantics analysis approach brings more consistency to the process. Teachers and students will use the software as a writing coach, analyzing early drafts of school essays and suggesting improvements, a step up the evolutionary chain from spell check and grammar check.
Text analysis can occasionally reveal meaning that human analysis has a hard time detecting.
Software can analyze changing patterns in word choice. Researcher Jon Kleinberg created a tool that analyzes "word burstiness. The software sees a document archive as a narrative—at each point in the story, certain words will suddenly become popular as other words lose favor. Kleinberg calls these words "bursty." For months or years they lie dormant, then suddenly burst into the common vocabulary.
Kleinberg tested his software by analyzing an archive of papers published on high-energy physics, a field about which he professes to know absolutely nothing. The software scans the documents and reports back with a chronologically arranged list of words that show a sudden spike in usage.
But because the software "reads" text in such an unusual way, the tool also lets us see new attributes in documents that we already know something about. Kleinberg's most intriguing application is an analysis of the State of the Union addresses since 1790. Reading through the list of bursty words from past addresses is like browsing the pages of a history book designed for students with attention deficit disorder.
Just when you think the software is demonstrating its flair for the obvious, however, you get to the 1980s. Suddenly, the bursty words shift from historical events to more homespun effects.
Seen through the lens of Kleinberg's software, the mechanism pops out immediately, like a red flag waving among the dull grays of presidential oratory. The computer still doesn't know what Reagan is saying, but it helps us see something about those speeches we might have missed.
5. Укажите абзац, в котором даётся главный вывод автора.
7, в предложении «Latent semantic analysis can give a good appraisal of whether an essay is on-topic and the language is erudite, but human graders are still much better at determining whether the argument makes any sense».
6. Найдите и отметьте абзацы, содержащие конкретную информацию.
1, 3, 4, 6, 11.
7. Выделите избыточную информацию.
The idea of a computer doing more sophisticated evaluations than tallying up multiple-choice answers has alarmed parents and teachers...Посмотреть предложения по расчету стоимости
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22 марта 2018
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Прочтите текст и выделите общую идею К какой теме относится этот текст
Тема компьютеры.docx
2020-11-20 12:08
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Работа выполнена на высочайшем уровне, а скорость просто поразила, заказал утром в 11 часов. около 15 уже был готовый результат! Огромное спасибо)