Создан заказ №2806531
22 марта 2018
Assessment 2 Individual Assignment (2500 words maximum) – worth 50% of marks
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Assessment 2 Individual Assignment (2500 words maximum) – worth 50% of marks
Write a brief for a Chief Executive Officer on one of the major challenges that arise from developments in the global economy (select one from those listed below) that a company can face.
The company should be a real one
(it can be one that you think has recently faced issues that relate to the topic of your choice (or will do so in the future), or it can be the company you work for). You should provide an overview (in an appendix) of the company you select this should be on similar lines to the outline of the company specified in the brief for Assignment 1.
NB You must not include any data in the assignment that is perceived by your chosen company to be confidential or commercially sensitive.
You are not required to provide recommendations on the strategies or operations the company should follow in response to the challenges you discuss. The objective is to assess the risks and the opportunities to the company arising from the major challenge that you investigate.
The challenges are:
The rise of Emerging Market Multinationals (e.g. the case of Huawei, Acer etc).
Human resource related challenges when managing employees in foreign owned subsidiaries.
Challenges that arise from trying to keep the same corporate social responsibility profile at home as well as in the foreign markets that a firm operates (look at the examples of the tobacco industry, banks (HSBC), car manufacturers (VW, Mitsubishi)).
Difficulties that arise from trying to customize one or more elements of a firm’s international marketing strategy abroad (product/service, pricing, distribution, marketing/advertising).
Challenges (short and long term) that firms face because of exchange rate fluctuations (e.g. Subaru, VW).
Challenges that a firm can face from internationalizing by using equity methods of internationalization (joined ventures, acquisitions, solely owned subsidiaries etc).
Challenges that a firm can face from internationalizing by using non-equity methods of internationalization (indirect and direct exporting, licensing, franchising).
Key issues to be discussed in the assignment.
For challenge 1: Discuss the challenges that your chosen company will face (or has faced) because of the increased recent activity (e.g. due to increased FDI in developed and other emerging economies) of emerging market multinationals (EMNEs) in both developing but also developed economies. Consider issues such as increased competition that is the result of (1) the more competitive in nature products that EMNEs are now able to commercialise and (2) their increased reputation (brand image).
For challenge 2: Discuss the main challenges that your chosen firm will face (or has faced) when it comes to managing employees in foreign subsidiaries. Discuss the issues that arise from sending expatriate managers to run foreign subsidiaries but also the issues that can arise from managing host country employees.
For challenge 3: Discuss why your chosen firm might face pressures (internal and external to the firm) to change its CSR stance in foreign markets in comparison to the stance that has adopted in the home country. Discuss the different ways (e.g. bribery) that a firm might be forced to change its corporate social responsibility profile, the stakeholders (internal and external) that it might harm by adopting a more relaxed stance and the consequences that it might face.
For challenge 4: Discuss the challenges that the managers of your chosen firm will face (or have faced) when attempting to customize their international marketing strategy (product/service, pricing, distribution, marketing/advertising) in order to address the different conditions that exist in foreign markets. Also discuss the drivers behind the pressure to customize elements of the international marketing strategy.
For challenge 5: Discuss the potential risks (exposures) that managers of your chosen firm can face (or have faced) because of exchange rate fluctuations. Also discuss where those risks can potentially arise from (mechanisms behind fluctuations).
For challenge 6: Discuss the difficulties that your chosen company will face (or has faced) if they choose to internationalise in a specific country by using equity method(s) of internationalization. Overall, concentrate on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, on the managerial demands and coordination complexities and on the level of risk that each method carries.
For challenge 7: Discuss the difficulties that your chosen company will face (or has faced) if they choose to internationalise in a specific country by using non-equity method(s) of internationalization. Overall, concentrate on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, on the level of risk that each method carries and on managerial demands required.
The assignment must not exceed 2500 words – the Executive Summary, tables and the reference list do not count towards the 2500 words. The Executive Summary should not exceed 150 words. Any appendices used in the assignment do not count towards the 2500 words, but appendices should only be used for – large volumes of data and information that is used in support of the arguments and analysis used in the main body of the assignment. All appendices should be referred to in the main body of the assignment. Arguments and analysis in appendices used to answer the questions set in the assignment will not be marked.
NB It is crucial that the briefs are based on a wide ranging reading of the relevant literature, and most importantly evidence of critical reflection on the key issues. Reports that simply have evaluations using ‘standard’ textbook based analytic tools (such as SWOT or PESTLE) will receive a low mark.
Data sources for assignment 2
You should conduct a literature search to discover major literature sources on the topics raised in the questions. Data to support your arguments will normally be obtained by searching internet sources for the latest and most comprehensive data that is available.
Format of assignment
The assignment should have the following format.
The assignment should follow the standard format for writing academic papers and have
An Executive Summary of the brief that highlights what the brief considers and the main issues covered in the brief.
An introduction that sets out topics to be discussed in the assignment and a short summary of the main sections in the assignment – NB an introduction is not the same thing as an Executive Summary.
The assignment should follow the structure summarised in the introduction and should have headings for each of the main sections of the assignment – NB do not have a larger number of headings (see example below).
The conclusion should provide a short summary of the major answers that you have provided in the assignment – see examples of conclusions in any published academic paper
A reference list – this should not be a bibliography – all the references in the main body of the assignment should be reference list and all the references in the reference should be referred to in the main body of the assignment.
Any appendices used in the assignment should be at the end of the assignment and by clearly labelled
The assignments should be double spaced with a font size of 12.
The headings should be on the following type.
Executive Summary
Heading 1 (first major section discussed in the assignment as summarised in the main sections of the assignment contained in the introduction)
Sub-Heading 2 – do not have a large number of main sections
Reference list
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Assessment 2 Individual Assignment (2500 words maximum) – worth 50% of marks .docx
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