Создан заказ №2809484
24 марта 2018
Text 7 Investigations B Language and law study 4 Paragraph check Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-J for each paragraph (1-8) of the text
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Фрагмент выполненной работы:
Text 7 Investigations
B Language and law study
4. Paragraph check. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-J for each paragraph (1-8) of the text. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.
1. A – The necessity of bringing circumstances to light
2. B – Establishing the existence or absence of a socially dangerous act
3. C – Sources necessary to establish the facts
4. D – Acts performed by the investigator after a crime has been committed
5. (работа была выполнена специалистами author24.ru) F – The form of documents to be valid in court
6. G – The bodies performing investigations in more complicated cases
7. H – The duty of witnesses upon receiving the summons
8. I – Punishment applied to a criminal
5. Whose duty is it to perform the following actions?
a. To establish the facts in the case from the testimony of witnesses and other documents – the investigator
b. To establish the circumstances of the case – the investigator
c. To inquire as to the person of help – the investigator
d. To inspect the scene of the crime and make searches and seizures – the investigator
e. To sign all documents of investigation – witnesses, the investigator and other participants in the case
f. To investigate more complicated cases – investigators and the militia
g. To appear before the investigator or in court – a witness
h. To obtain evidence – the investigator
i. To give all information at his disposal concerning the case and the accused – a witness
j. To set forth the particulars of the crime and specify the article of a criminal code – the investigator
6. Read the text in detail to answer the ten “What”-questions.
1. What must the court do before a decision is made on the guilt or innocence of the accused?
The court must confirm the sentence which has entered into legal force.
2. What is evidence?
Evidence in a criminal case is facts, on the basis of which the investigating authorities and the court establish, in accordance with the law, the existence or absence of a socially dangerous act, the guilt of the person committing the act, and other circumstances of importance in making a correct decision in the case.
3. From what sources do the investigating bodies and the court establish the facts in the case?
They establish the facts in the case from the testimony of witnesses, the injured parties, suspects, accused, the opinions of experts, exhibits, the records of the investigation and court proceedings, and other documents.
4. What must the investigator do after receiving the information that a crime has been committed?
After that the investigator must inquire as to the persons who may be of help to him in establishing the circumstances of the case, and summons them as witnesses.
5. What form do all the documents of investigation have?
All documents of investigations must be in written form, signed by witnesses, the investigator, and other participants in the cases, without erasures, alterations, etc.
6. What stage is the collection of evidence performed at?
The collection of evidence is performed in the preliminary investigation.
7. What is the testimony of witnesses?
The testimony of witnesses is a type of evidence.
8. What is a witness?
A witness is a person who is aware of facts relevant to a criminal case.
9. What is one of the important duties of a witness?
The main duty of a witness is to give all information at his disposal concerning the case and the accused.
10. What is the indictment?
The indictment is the culminating stage of the investigation in which the investigator sets forth the particulars of the crime and the evidence collected in the case and specified the article of the criminal code covering the acts of the accused.
7. Word check. Study the world building. Guess the meaning of the derivative nouns.
1. appearance – внешний вид
2. basis – основа
3. inquiry – запрос, расследование
4. collection – сбор
5. establishment – установление, учреждение
6. failure – провал, неудача
7. alternative – альтернатива
8. relevance – релевантность, уместность
9. importance – важность
8. Match English words and phrases with their Russian equivalents
a. collection of evidence – 4. сбор свидетельских показаний
b. a state establishment – 6. государственное заведение
c. preliminary investigation – 3. предварительное следствие
d. the culminating stage – 2. заключительный этап
e. search inspection – 5. осмотр предметов, найденных при обыске
f. investigation body – 1. следственный орган
g. correct indictment – 7. правильное
. Finish the sentences using the words in brackets.
a. The circumstances of the case must be brought to light.
b. The investigator and the court base their conclusions on the verification and assessment of the evidence.
c. The investigating bodies establish the existence or absence of a socially dangerous act in accordance with the law.
d. The investigator inquires as to a person who may be of help to him.
e. The collection of evidence before the trial is performed in the preliminary investigation.
10. Match these words and phrases with their definitions below:
a. Evidence in a criminal case is facts
b. The testimony of witness is a type of evidence
c. A witness is a person aware of facts
d. The indictment is the culminating stage of the investigation
11. Fill in the gaps in these sentences with one of the appropriate verb forms given in brackets.
a. The investigator and the court base their conclusions concerning the guilt of the accused on verification of the evidence.
b. To obtain exhibits the investigator inspects the scene of a crime.
c. If a witness fails to appear without good reason he is criminally responsible.
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Text 7 Investigations
B Language and law study
4 Paragraph check Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-J for each paragraph (1-8) of the text.jpg
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