Создан заказ №2846239
3 апреля 2018
Individual work(на английском языке) направление luxury management
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Students will choose a brand to work with. Luxury Brand
Students will produce a written report, with images and any other tool that will make the report more accurate and complete as possible, in English or Italian covering the following topics:
- Introduction and Analysis of the selected Brand
- A
nalysis of the current clients’ profile in store and on line and describe the most important characteristics to identify them.
- Analysis on the product assortment in store and on line. What are the differences and why
- Brand competitors and trend analysis. Risks and opportunities.
- Order: buying products for a given budget (at Retail Price) for a shop in shop of 20 square meters:
o Prepare the Merchandising Plan by line and category
o What are the price ranges and where would you allocate more of the buying budget and why
o What would be the assortment turnover and why
o What is the Density by square meter and why
o Explain your buying strategy by category (Wide or Limited - In Depth or Light buying) and what are the driving factors.
o Order Sheet (just for the main line/category) including items, colour, sizes, prices, quantities and overall order value.
o Elaborate a sales plan for such collection in term of full price, promotion and mark down including the expected left over product in quantity and value (be clear when explaining the main matters to support your plan).
- Appendix (including all sources used to elaborate the Presentation)
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик воспользовался гарантией для внесения правок на основе комментариев преподавателя
4 апреля 2018
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Individual work(на английском языке) направление luxury management .docx
2018-06-29 20:15
Последний отзыв студента о бирже Автор24
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В целом проделанная работа устраивает, есть некоторые недочёты, были правки, но я считаю это нормальным рабочим процессом.