Создан заказ №2881459
11 апреля 2018
How different styles of Portuguese architecture were influenced throughout centuries
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Research Question: How different Portuguese architectural styles were influenced throughout the centuries?
overview: research paper on the question above that must be narrowed down as much as possible for example: look at three different architectural styles such as Manuelin - Baroque &romanesque;
and neoclassical which is contemporary. the examples I want you to focus on ( the Belem Sta. Maria church has a Manuelin and Romanesque style) as well as the (Sé Catedral do Porto which has the baroque and gothic style) and neoclassical and contemporary architecture such as ( maritime museum) and Lisbon, Baixa (elegant street)
- the essay should contain 3000 words
- presentation on the topic (short summary of the essay in 8-10 min powerpoint and use bullet points - please do not write paragraphs)
- annotated bibliography ( 8 secondary sources, 1 paragraph for each source) which says: *what the source/article is about *its major features *how it fits my topic
- secondary sources should be academically scholarly articles from Ebsco, Jstor or google scholar. (Reviews are not sources)
-this work cited should be Chicago style format
-the essay must have an outline and a paragraph of the abstract
-the paper should also include some talks about the different architectural styles as mentioned above.
-the conclusion should relate back to the research question
-the paper must be made in English and good research on the topic.
About Me: I am studying in my 3rd year in a university in Switzerland, my English is good and I would like the essay to be good with not too simple English and not too complex vocabulary. This research Project is for an Art History Travel class on Portugal
100 ₽
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20 дней
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12 апреля 2018
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How different styles of Portuguese architecture were influenced throughout centuries.docx
2020-05-26 19:08
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