Создан заказ №2897115
16 апреля 2018
The Legacy of Edward Said. Your overview of Edward Said’s “Orientalism”
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
На выбор три темы,литературу по выбранной теме предоставлю:
You can get maximum 10 points for the essay: topic coverage (2 points) + mastery of the subject (2 points) + logic (2 points) + literacy (2 points) + volume (2 points).
1. The Legacy of Edward Said.
Your overview of Edward Said’s “Orienta
lism” (possibly, of his other works). What would you say was his biggest achievement? Do his arguments seem convincing to you? Does his method work?
Literature→Lectures→Lecture 3 (obligatory reading):
Said, Edward W. Orientalism. Vintage Books: New York, 1978.
2. Latent and Manifest Orientalism.
Explain the concepts of latent and manifest Orientalism as formulated by Edward Said. You are welcome to use and supplementary literature and materials.
Literature→Lectures→Lecture 3 (obligatory reading):
Said, Edward W. Orientalism. Vintage Books: New York, 1978.
3. Edward Said’s Polemics with Samuel Huntington.
Your summary of the theory of Samuel Hungtington and Edward Said’s critical reply (the topic was discussed at lecture 3).
Literature→Lectures→Lecture 3 (further reading):
S. Hungtingtion. The Clash of Civilizations? // Foreign Affairs. Vol. 72, No. 3 (Summer, 1993). Pp. 22-49.
E. Said. The Myth of the Clash of Civilizations.
200 ₽
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17 апреля 2018
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The Legacy of Edward Said. Your overview of Edward Said’s “Orientalism” .docx
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