Создан заказ №2901785
17 апреля 2018
Football and finance Выбрать одну тему из 8 указанных ниже.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Football and finance
Выбрать одну тему из 8 указанных ниже. Высылаю полное описание что и как надо написать. Могу выслать подсказки как написать работу хорошо и конечно вспомогательный список литературы.
A briefing paper (up to 8 pages excluding references). This counts for 50% of the module mark,
and should be based on a combination of academic sources, official reports and websites, and the general and specialised business press. Since this is a briefing paper, you may, where asked to suggest solutions to a problem, offer a range of options, but you will need to consider the costs and benefits of each, and their political and economic feasibility.
*** Please note that the briefing paper is to be written for a specific audience, and there is no point in wasting space telling the person commissioning it what s/he already knows***
The choice of topics is as follows:
1. A briefing paper for the CEO of a national league of your choice, analysing the current financial and competitive challenges that it faces and possible solutions.
2. A briefing paper for the Chief Regulatory Officer of UEFA, analysing the problems that have become apparent with Financial Fair Play regulations and offering possible solutions.
3. A briefing paper for the sports minister of any country in Europe, analysing the benefits and disadvantages of that country hosting Euro 2024, either alone or in partnership with a neighbour.
4. A briefing paper for the CEO of any club in the top division of your national league which has not moved or reconstructed its stadium in the last 20 years, analysing the options for rebuilding or extending its arena or moving to new facilities. [You should consider, in particular, what capacity the club needs, how this should be financed, likely revenues during the transition period, and the possible future revenues and risks once completed.]
5. A briefing paper for the CEO of a top-division club of your choice (in any country), analysing the club’s recent record in player development and transfer dealings, and suggesting what its future player recruitment strategy should be in the light of its financial situation, current regulations and possible changes in the international labour market for footballers.
6. A briefing paper for the UK Minister of Sport analysing the problems of football governance in England and what interventions it is politically feasible for her to undertake.
7. A briefing paper for the CEO of the Premier League analysing the likely consequences of Brexit for the financial stability and continued growth of the league.
8. A briefing paper for the President and CEO of UEFA analysing the problems posed for the future of football in European countries where there are small national leagues dominated by one or two large teams (e.g. Scotland, Netherlands, Denmark), and evaluating possible solutions
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
18 апреля 2018
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Football and finance Выбрать одну тему из 8 указанных ниже. .docx
2019-05-31 19:27
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Работа была выполнена безупречно и в срок. Никаких дополнительный корректировок не потребовалось. Автор очень качественно выполнил свою работу