Создан заказ №3029095
17 мая 2018
Написать эссе по основам теории коммуникаций (на англ)
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Public relations theory. Read an article about the relationship management theory (https://www.instituteforpr.org/wp-content/uploads/Guidelines_Measuring_Relationships.pdf ). Based on the survey on the page 28 of the article, conduct a research about consumers’ relationships with any well-known comp
any. Analyze and interpret the results. What do the results mean for the company? What practical recommendation can you give to the company?
Introduction should:
Contain a definition of the key concepts and state the essay problem
Introduce the structure of the essay (e.g. XYZ dimensions)
Main body should:
Contain all the points mentioned in introduction
Have statement-argument-conclusion structure for each argument
Have references to academic writings to support authors opinion
Contain the reference to theoretical background: brief description and application of relevant theory
Contain facts beyond the common knowledge
Have critical evaluation of the given problem instead of pure description
Be relevant to the essay problem
Conclusion should:
Restate the main problem of the essay
Include the final statement (overall conclusion)
Be free of new information (not mentioned above)
Language should:
Be free from language mistakes (grammar, vocabulary, punctuation)
Be free from emotive language, publicist style
Comply with academic standards (huge, pretty much, thing, people)
Avoid repetition
Structure should:
Be logical and consequent
Theoretical grounds should be linked to the cases presented and describe
200 ₽
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20 дней
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18 мая 2018
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Написать эссе по основам теории коммуникаций (на англ).docx
2019-05-22 00:14
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