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Студенческая работа на тему:
My idea of independent school for children with disabilities
Создан заказ №3043308
21 мая 2018

My idea of independent school for children with disabilities

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Write an essay on the following subject: My idea of independent school for children with disabilities (how the process of education and free time are organized) How to Write an Essay An essay is defined as "a short piece of writing that expresses information as well as the writer's opinion." T o write an essay, you should generally: · Decide what to write · Brainstorm your topic · Do research · Develop a thesis · Write your essay There are three key elements: Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion. Introduction The introductory paragraph should set out why the subject is important, where the focus of the essay question lies, what your argument in response to this is and how you will answer the question/expound your argument, thereby clearly laying out the structure of the essay.Therefore, it is not advisable to fill the first paragraph with long ‘background’ narratives, gross overstatements or irrelevant information. One way of starting an essay is with a general statement concerning the subject in question and then narrow this down to set out your argument. A brief outline of the main points supporting this argument should then follow. Body An essay is the exposition of a reasoned argument to support a point. It is not a recitation of facts nor is it a summary of events. Analysis should be the driving force behind the narrative, not the other way around: why rather than what. It is in the body of your essay that you should use the factual details and sources you discovered in your research to give your points weight and strength. The beginning of a paragraph has two main functions: to introduce a new idea for discussion and to indicate the role this topic plays in your overall argument. The rest of the paragraph is devoted to elaborating and substantiating its central idea. Your points need to flow logically on from one another and you need to create a sense of progression through the way that each paragraph is linked. Give a brief and accurate exposition and concentrate for the most part on analysing its strengths and weaknesses. Make sure you have made it clear why you think a piece of evidence supports your argument, or raises questions about an author’s assumptions etc. After you have written each paragraph, ask yourself if it relates to the essay question and how it supports your argument Conclusion. The whole of the final paragraph needs to be dedicated to making a strong conclusion, which pulls all your points together. Restate your argument in different words and allude to the main points you used in the body of the essay to support it. You may then move away from this narrow focus to the wider implications of your argument. The conclusion is not the place to introduce new evidence. Referencing and Bibliography Plagiarism – the presentation of someone else’s work as your own – is completely contrary to good academic work and is severely penalised. To avoid any suspicion of plagiarism you should offer clear references for any quotations or substantial borrowings of ideas or facts from other authors. If you are quoting directly from a source in your essay, it should be placed in single ‘quotation marks
200 ₽
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My idea of independent school for children with disabilities.docx
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