Создан заказ №3053102
23 мая 2018
Стилистический анализ стихотворения " The Kitchen Chimney" by Robert Frost.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Стилистический анализ стихотворения " The Kitchen Chimney" by Robert Frost на английском языке.
Ответить качественно на поставленные вопросы:
1. Pick out cases in which Frost gives concrete descriptions of building the kitchen chimney.
2. Comment on the poet's address to the builder that opens the
first stanza and speak on the peculiar use of the words "please" in this stanza.
3. Say why it is important to "build the chimney clear from the ground". Note the implication in the third stanza "But I never heard of a house that throve (and I know of one that didn't thrive) where the chimney started above the stove".
4. Comment on the poet's dread of "the ominous stain of tar" (the fourth stanza) and say what may be implied in the lines: 'And the smell of fire drowned in rain that there always is when the chimney's false".
5. Speak on the meaning of the expression "to build castles in the air" and say why the poet alludes to this expression in the conclusion of his poem.
6. Comment on the conversational tone Frost builds into his verse. Speak on the EMs and SDs that show, "Frost's poems are people talking" as one of his critics maintained.
7. Discuss the form of the poem, its rhythm and rhyme.
8. Summing up the analysis speak about the message of the poem and the main SDs employed by the poet
200 ₽
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20 дней
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24 мая 2018
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Стилистический анализ стихотворения " The Kitchen Chimney" by Robert Frost..docx
2018-05-27 16:03
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