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Создан заказ №3084018
1 июня 2018


Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Контрольная работа №1 Задание I Упражнение 1: Напишите существительные во множественном числе pen, trip, office, wall, clock, week, dress, day, bus, woman, factory, visitor, fox, lanquage, place, shelf, ship, play, party, man, key, child. Упражнение 2: Напишите подчёркнутые существительные во множес твенном числе, сделав изменения в предложении 1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. This is an English dictionary. 3. This story is very long. 4. The speech was very interesting. 5. A copy of the contract was sent to Leningrad. 6.This factory has a good laboratory. Упражнение 3: Напишите подчёркнутые существительные в единственном числе, сделав изменения в предложении: Women and children were in the street. I have the keys to these boxes. This house has three windows. There are five letters on his desk. He had some visitors. Упражнение 4: Замените существительное с предлогом «of» существительным в форме притяжательного падежа wife of the teacher the ball of the boy a dress of a lady the watch of my friend Peter the opinion of a student the library of my father the sister of his wife the question of the teacher the coat of the boy the exercise-book of the student the social work of the students the club of the workers the rights of women the house of my parents the attention of the children the distance of ten miles the work of three days the novels of H.Wells the hat of the actress the works of Karl Markx Упражнение 5: Вставьте вместо точек притяжательное местоимение в требуемой форме Tell him not to forget .................................... ticket; she must not forget............... either. Whose books are those? Are they ........... or ? My bag is bigger than ......... Those seats are not ...... they are ......... His story is much more interesting than. His name is Martin, ... is Ann. I haven't got a dictionary. Can you give me... Their boat is faster than .... Упражнение 6: Используя образец, составьте предложения и вопросы к ним со словами, приведёнными ниже: There is a camera on the chair. Is it Nick's? (watch, letter, dictionary, newspaper) There are a lof of things on the table. Are they yours? books his? pencils hers? magazines ours? newspapers theirs? exercise-books Is there a park in our district? (museum ,underground station, shopping center, swimming - pool ) Are there many houses in your street? (offices, shops, department stores, snack – bars) Упражнение 7: Используя образец, сделайте приведённые ниже предложения отрицательными There isn't a shop near my house. = There is no shop near my house. There aren't any pens in my bag. = There are no pens in my bag. I .There is a clock on the desk. 2.There is a dog in the room. 3.There are pictures on the wall. 4.There is a table in the corner of the room. 5.There are children in the park. 6.There are a lot of new words in this exercise. Упражнение 8: Используя образец, составьте предложения со словами, приведёнными ниже There will be a new shop in our street; a big stadium; a meeting tomorrow; a concert at our club on Monday; a conference in a month; a dance next Sunday; a beautiful park here next year. Упражнение 9: Используя образец, задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям: Will there be a staff meeting in this room? 1.There will be a lecture in History tomorrow. 2.There will be a dance after the concert. 3.There will be many people at the meeting. 4.There will be two exams in spring. 5.There will be new houses in this place. Упражнение 10: Сообщите о фактах, как об имевших место в прошлом. Используйте обстоятельста времени yesterday, yesterday morning, the day before yesterday, the other day, a few days ago, 2 years ago, last Monday, last winter, last week, in 1960. We have a terminal test. It takes me an hour to do my homework. I am ill and do not go out. We are late for the meeting. I work in the library till late in the evening. It is Tuesday. It is the 6th of November. Упражнение 11: Сообщите о фактах, как о предстоящих в будущем. Используйте обстоятельста времени tomorrow, tomorrow evening, the day after tomorrow, in a few days, next Sunday, next week, in a month's time, in 15 minutes, very soon, one of these days, next summer. I get up early. They are at home till 10.00'clock. I am ready to answer. We have an English class at that time. I am free after 5. His wife teaches History at school. We listen to the latest news. Her husband has a new car. It is Monday. It is winter. Упражнениe 12: Задайте вопросы, используя слова в скобках. I come late (why) Why do you come home late? а) 1. We begin work early (when). 2. Victor often goes in the theater (how often). 3. She teaches foreign languages (what foreign languages). 4. I see him every day (where). 5. I come home very late (why). 6. I have dinner in the evening (what time). 7.1 want something (what). 8.1 come to work early (when). б) 1. Mary made some spelling mistakes (how many). 2. We found time for discussion (how much). 3. Jack rang me up not long ago (when). 4. Alice brought something (what). 5. They started early (what time). 6. John gave me some money (how much money). Задание II Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст MR HAWK'S WORKING DAY Mr Hawk works for a big firm in London. His firm has good business contacts with a heavy factory in Dublin. Last week Mr Hawk went to Dublin on business and stayed about a week there. .'On Friday afternoon Mr Hawk came back from his business trip. It was too late to go to the office. Besides, he was very tired after the journey. So he took a taxi and went home. On Monday morning he came to work a few minutes before eight. He entered the office and found a number of business letters on his desk. He sat down and began to look through the letters. Suddenly the telephone rang. He took up the receiver and heard the voice of his chief. The chief asked Mr Hawk to come over to his room and discuss the results of the trip. After the talk with the chief Mr Hawk came back to his office and continued his work. At 11 o'clock he made some telephone calls. While Mr Hawk was on the telephone, his secretary Mary Smith brought him a cup of coffee and biscuits. Mr Hawk gave her the answers to the business letters and Mary went back to her office and started typing them. At 12 o'clock he went out for lunch. He usually has lunch in an Italian restaurant opposite the firm's premises. In the afternoon he had some visitors. At 5 o'clock he was at a meeting with the agents and accountants and made a report on his trip to Dublin. That day Mr Hawk left the office later than usual. He didn't come home till a quarter to eight. Linda and William were at home, Margaret and Robert were out. They were at the cinema. They returned home a quarter of an hour later, and they all had supper together. After supper Mr Hawk looked through the papers and watched television. At half past ten he switched off the TV-set and went to bed. 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих русских слов и выражений 1) деловые контакты 2) деловая поездка (командировка) 3) поехать в командировку 4) доложить о поездке 5) обсудить результаты поездки; 6) дать ответы на деловые письма 7) сделать несколько телефонных звонков 8) взять телефонную трубку 9) зазвонил телефон 10) пока он говорил по телефону 11) быть на собрании 12) беседа 13) глава (руководитель, начальник) 14) представитель, посредник 15) бухгалтер 16) помещение фирмы 17) взять такси 18) печатать 19) поездка, путешествие 20) без четверти восемь 21) в половине десятого 22) быть усталым 2. Ответьте на вопросы 1) How long did Mr. Hawk stay in Dublin? 2) Where did he go when he came back? Why? 3) What did he do after the talk with the chief? 4) Where did he have lunch? 5) What did Mr. Hawk do at 5 in the afternoon? 6) When did he leave the offis? 7) Who did he find at home when he returned? 8) What did Margaret and Robert do in the evening? Взято со страницы: https://avtor24.ru/lenta/972262
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
2 июня 2018
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Заказ выполнил
2019-10-12 19:46
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