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Теоретическая грамматика (английский язык). Выполнить задания к семинару 2
Создан заказ №3163933
4 сентября 2018

Теоретическая грамматика (английский язык). Выполнить задания к семинару 2

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Выполнить задания к семинару. Рассмотрю варианты уже готовой работы. Seminar class II. The basic notions of morphology I. Compare several definitions of the morpheme and choose the one that you consider the most adequate. What is an allomorph? Give examples of allomorphs of various morphemes. Speak about the main types of morphemes. II. Define the grammatical meaning and give its most essential characteristics. What are the points of difference between grammatical and lexical meanings? Do these two types of meanings interact? Give examples of interaction. Differentiate between the paradigmatic and syntagmatic meanings of a grammatical form and give examples of each. III. What is a grammatical form? I Enumerate and characterize the main types of form building in English, pointing out their productivity and their frequency. Speak about the analytical character of English. Give examples of semi-analytical forms in the present-day English. IV. What is the grammatical category? Speak about two types of grammatical categories: conceptual (inherent) and formal (reflected). Give the examples of both types. Speak about the theory of oppositions and its relevance for the grammatical structure of language. Characterize the processes of neutralization and transposition. Give examples of each. Speak about two approaches to the analysis of linguistic material: semasiological and onomasiological. Which of these approaches is the theory of functional-semantic categories based on? Define the functional-semantic category and describe the principles of its structure. Give examples of various functional-semantic categories in English. What is the significance of functional-semantic approach to the analysis of linguistic fасts is? Recommended Reading: 1. Barkhudarov, L.S. Очерки по морфологии современного английского языка. – М., 1975. 2. Blokh, M.Y. A Bourse in Theoretical English Grammar. – M., 1983. 3. Ilyish, B.A. The Structure of Modern English. – M.-L., 1971. 4. Kozlova, L.A. The Theory of English Grammar. – Barnaul, 2005. 5. Иванова, И.П. и др. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. – М., 1981. 6. Бондарко, А.В. Основы функциональной грамматики. – СПб., 2001. Exercises: I.. Analyze the following words and point out the types of morphemes they contain: re-evaluated, postimpressionists, teenagers, sixteen, Afro-Americans, policeman, wisdom, misunderstanding. II. Analyze the sentences and comment on the interaction between lexical and grammatical meanings: They will arrive in an hour. The train arrives at 5.40. He cannot speak at the moment. He is watching TV. He is ever watching TV. I see a boy crossing the street. I am seeing my friend at the cafe tomorrow. After having returned home he went straight to his room. On returning home he went straight to his room. III. Analyze the following oppositions and state what grammatical categories they constitute: has: : has had, will have: : will be having, is dune: : is being done, is done: : has been done, will take: : will be taking, goes: : ,is gone, goose: : geese, he: : him. IV. Analyze the sentences and point out cases of transposition and neutralization: Russians go shopping American style. Why are you always biting your nails? So Alice got up and ran tо IT, thinking while she ran, as well as she might, what a wonderful dream it had been (L. Carroll). The house needed repairing badly. (Th. Wolsome). «Just wait», Vivien said, shouting into her mobile against the traffic noise. «That’s what I’m always doing. I’m always waiting». (J. Trollope). On their returning from a weekend in Dorset with Barney’s parents, Kate found the room smelling strongly of bleach and every room wearing a startled aspect. (J. Trollope). They knew he came before the party began. (Joanna Trollope, «Girl from the South»). «I promise, we talk about it later, don’t worry». However, you need to know the whys and hows – in that order. (Digest #11 2002: 5) I was sitting at my table writing some letters. Suddenly the wind bursts the window open and scatters all my letters on the floor. (Dickens)
200 ₽
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5 сентября 2018
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Теоретическая грамматика (английский язык). Выполнить задания к семинару 2.docx
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