Создан заказ №3173502
11 сентября 2018
Ответы на вопросы. Базовая юриспруденция. Канадское законодательство
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
При подачи заявки прошу привести краткое описание ваших квалификаций.
В случае успешного выполнения работы я буду обращаться к вам еженедельно с подобными работами по той же цене.
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Требуется ознакомиться с ниже приведённым текстом и КОРОТКО ответить на три во
проса (300-400 слов, ответы на английском). Для отсылок используйте:
Canadian employment standards legislation
Canadian human rights legislation
Canadian labour relations legislation
Armand, Bob, and Courtney worked as customer service representatives at a company that
managed a toll road. Employees at the company are represented by a union. All three
employees worked at the front counter, and their duties included issuing transponders,
receiving payments, receiving faxes to provide service to customers, and assisting in the
company’s call center when call volumes were high. In order to do their jobs, the customer
service representatives on the front counter were required to go to a fax machine in another
area of the building and also to escort customers to other areas of the complex several times
a day. Security was a concern at the company because of expensive equipment on the
premises, client information that was held, and possible hostile customers. The company
had a security system in place that required employees to use a swipe card and enter a password
to gain entry at various points in the building. The company encountered problems
with the misuse and loss of swipe cards. The employer proposed a new biometric scanning
system that relied upon the measurement of the right hand when it was placed on a screen. The system would also work with employees swiping a card and entering a password instead
of a hand measurement; however, the employer wanted to incorporate the hand scanning
as part of the system to facilitate its attendance management program. Scanning devices
would be placed at numerous locations in the complex to control and monitor access to
various departments. Eight employees who were members of the Pentecostal faith objected
to the proposed scanning system because of their religious beliefs. Although the Pentecostal
church is not specifically opposed to biometric scanning, the employees felt that the system
was counter to their religious beliefs because it would impose “the mark of the beast” upon
them as prophesied in the Book of Revelation. The religious objection related to using
measurements of portions of the body for the purposes of identification where such measurements
have a number associated with them, the number becomes part of a system of
numbers, and that system is involved in the ability to earn a living. The concerns are
heightened for some individuals when the measurements are derived from the right hand.
When the employees objected to the new system, the employer proposed that they use their
left hands and also proposed the employees be allowed to wear a glove over their hand.
(The system relied upon a hand measurement, not fingerprints.) Five employees were satisfied
with the changes proposed by the employer and dropped their objection to the scanning
devices. When Armand, Bob, and Courtney continued to refuse to use the new system, the
employer proceeded to apply its progressive discipline policy. The employer did not meet
with the union or the employees other than through the disciplinary process. The employees
were given warnings, formal letters, and subsequently terminated when they refused to take
part in the new system.
1. Is there any discrimination in this situation? If so, what type of discrimination is
2. What is the obligation of the employer?
3. If this case proceeded to a hearing, explain the outcome you expect.
Заранее благодарю
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
12 сентября 2018
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Ответы на вопросы. Базовая юриспруденция. Канадское законодательство.docx
2018-09-15 12:22
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