Создан заказ №3192217
22 сентября 2018
How flactuations of foreign exchange rates influence the company's business
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Discipline: International Financial Management
1) Choose a large international company
2) Describe the business and geographical distribution of the business (in what countries the company's branches are located)
3) Customers and suppliers (in what countries the company has its suppliers, to what c
ountries the company sells its products/services)
4) Obtain charts over the last 5 years which represent foreign exchange flactuations between the country in which your company is located and the country of its suppliers/customers. How these flactuations influenced the company's business and what ways the company chose to solve this problem)
5) Use anaytical news and reports
6) Use 3-4 charts in the work
7) Make a conclusion: consequences of foreign exchange rates flactuations for a big international company and what a company can implement to prevent this situation or to find the way out of it
200 ₽
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20 дней
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23 сентября 2018
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


How flactuations of foreign exchange rates influence the company's business .docx
2020-05-03 13:32
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