Создан заказ №3205138
29 сентября 2018
Perspectives on Christianity: A Catholic Approach
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Assignments: Students will complete one book level format for the course. The structure of the format is as follows: The book selected must come from the course bibliography list or must be cleared by the professor first. The books must be at least 200 pages. The format is made up of four, uneq
ually weighted components. The first part is called the “concrete” and describes some kind of connection that the book made with your life, an event in your life, or something in your experiences. The “abstract” is a summary of the book and the arguments/story that the author presents. (This is the bulk of the assignment and should receive the largest treatment.) The “evaluation” describes what you liked or did not like about the book and your evaluation of the argument or the story of the book. In the last section, “questions,” students will raise questions that the book raised in their minds. The concrete, evaluation, and questions represent smaller pieces of the assignment. The abstract should receive the most space. The format is to be 2 single spaced pages.
Possible books to read for the Format Assignment:
Joan Ball, Flirting with Faith, 2016, Harvest/Simon and Schuster
Thomas Merton: The Seven Storey Mountain (but anything by Merton is worthy!)
Brother Lawrence: Practicing the Presence of God
Thomas A Kempis: The Imitation of Christ
Graham Greene: The Power and the Glory; Monsignor Quixote
Geraldine Brooks: People of the Book
Caleb’s Crossing
Daniel Harrington: Jesus: An Historical Portrait
John Dominic Crosson: Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography
Chris Heurtz: Simple Spirituality
Peter Devries, The Blood of the Lamb
Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose
C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
_________, The Four Loves
_________, The Great Divorce
_________, The Screwtape Letters
_________, Miracles
Brian McLaren, Finding Faith: A Self-Discovery Guide for Your Spiritual Quest
____________, Finding Faith: A Search for What Makes Sense
____________, Finding Faith: A Search for What is Real
Stephen Lawhead, Byzantium, 900 pages, suffices for both format assignments.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Martin Luther
Karl Barth
Hans Urs Von Balthasar
John Wesley
Martin Luther King, Jr.
E. Stanley Jones
A. W. Tozer
Dennis Kinlaw, Let’s Start with Jesus
Philip Jenkins, The Lost History of Christianity
200 ₽
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20 дней
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30 сентября 2018
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2019-09-29 19:59
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ставлю 2 за попытку и 3 за то что не дотянул до конца, я еще успел перезаказать работу. в остальном без комментариев....