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Студенческая работа на тему:
Herman Melville's Moby Dick and animal studies
Создан заказ №3210008
6 октября 2018

Herman Melville's Moby Dick and animal studies

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Referencing in APA style. A particular text to work on is Herman Melville's Moby Dick. Whales, whaling, and nature as metaphors in Herman Melville's Moby Dick. Study the philosophical, biblical, and mythological symbolism of the white whale and its environment and the role of man in this universal order of things. The general research questions are: 1. How are animals represented in the particular text? Are they romanticised, humanised, serve a symbolic function, as background for human activities, or as they are in the material/non-human world. 2. What is the role of man in this arrangement: are humans and animals hierarchised or presented as intertwined and equal in their difference? Here're are some texts on animal studies that can be useful for compiling methodology and theoretical outline: Green cultural studies, Green studies-the idea of nature Soper, Intro-Seeing animals after Derrida, Jack Londons ocular dogs, Phenomonelogical approach to imaginary of animals, Thinking about animals in the age of anthropocene - dangerous intersubjectivities, Wolves of the world. Texts titled "Green cultural studies" and "Green studies-the idea of nature" are useful basic texts, which introduce the idea of represntiaon of nature, as well as the role of animals in human discourse: do they speak or are spoken for, and how? a couple of texts concern Jack London directly, but also contain useful tools for approaching representation of animals in general. All texts approach the idea of human/more-than human; representation of animals, seeing animals, approaching animals as symbol or real, agentic being. Read them carefully and approach seriously. Prepare a draft of your project on animals: 1. State your topic and how it relates to animal studies. 2. What main problems are you going to discuss? 3. Theoretical outline based on the reading of the theory package: how are animals approached in literature? 4. Your plan: how you're going to approach the topic? How are you going to research your text according to the questions below: 1) What animals are featured in the text? What do they symbolise? 2) Why have animals been selected as some of the main characters? What would be different if human beings had been chosen instead? 3) Are animals given an independent voice (agency) or are their positions mediated? Why? With what effect? 4) What rights do animals have in the text? 5) What social, political, or ethical issues are highlighted with the help of animal characters? 6) What is an animal? 7) Depending on your definition above, do animals have culture?
100 ₽
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7 октября 2018
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Herman Melville's Moby Dick and animal studies .docx
2019-04-26 22:01
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