Создан заказ №3235576
11 октября 2018
The topic is broad in order to include all of your personal academic interests in different topics of internat
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Essay should treat some particular question of international relation in its connection with journalism using the theoretical and methodological framework provided during the course. It should refer to scientific literature (more than press articles and reports).
Essay should be on 5 pages, font Ti
mes New Roman, size 12 with 1,5 spacing.
* The topic is broad in order to include all of your personal academic interests in different topics of international relations. So your choice is quite broad. As example: • You are interested in studying the international policy of the particular country. You can do an essay analyzing the role of media in such international policy.
* You are fascinated by the particular event in field of international relations (for example - the Georgian war). You can do an essay about the role of media in such event. Or it could be en essay studying the coverage of such event by particular media or group of media.
* You can take some actual case in international policy (for example the scandal about Russia's role in american elections) and analyze how it was covered by Russian media. Or do a comparative research how it was covered by Russian and US media.
* You can take two different newspapers and compare how they generally cover the international policy
200 ₽
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12 октября 2018
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The topic is broad in order to include all of your personal academic interests in different topics of internat.docx
2018-10-15 20:47
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