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24 октября 2018
Насколько французская революция была буржуазной
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Эссе Тема: Насколько французская революция была буржуазной. Срок сдачи: 3 ноября. Объём: 1500 слов. Работа нужна на английском языке. Требования к эссе: Summary: Question: To what extent was the French Revolution a bourgeois revolution? 1,500 words long (includes in-text citations but does not inclu
de reference list). Research and planning Sources: 1) Doyle: 2) Merriman: 3) Blanning: 4) Porter: 5) Peter McPhee: A social history of France: 1789-1949 Note that all the sources for this assignment are from books. You can look for additional sources in books/journals if you wish... You should create a plan (main paragraphs/key points) and take notes where relevant. Essay structure The work should be formatted into a number of separate paragraphs. each should have a topic sentence which relates directly to the title. You should provide support in the rest of the paragraph. The essay should be ordered in the following fashion: 1) Introduction (look at the different definitions of bourgeois), 2) Main body paragraphs 3) Conclusion 4) Reference List (on a separate page). It's hard to give accurate guidelines for the length of each section: try making the introduction,and conclusion each about 10-15% of the essay. The most common structure for an MEHP essay is chain/point-by-point essay. Block structure or for/against essays are rarely used. You may also use section headings although these should not be a substitute for good topic sentences. There is no rigid model by which you have to construct your essay. a) use a thesis statement, which shows your line of argument and directly informs you reader of the paragraph structure of your essay. In history it is more common to begin the introduction with a relevant anecdote or detail - you do not usually begin with very general information. (Look at the way many of the secondary sources begin books). b) The conclusion should summarise your main ideas. Avoid conclusions that simply say 'a number of factors' caused x or 'to some extent yes, but to some extent no'. This is because it is fully expected that there will be a number of factors, or in this instance that the essay will be to a greater or lesser extent 'bourgeois'. A strong essay will show how the different factors inter-relate, or in this essay, the forms/degree which the FR can be characterised as 'bourgeois'. Above all try to say something incisive in the conclusion (as opposed to the fact that it's 'complex' and 'hard to understand' - once more, most things are!) Referencing, plagiarism & uses of sources for support This is a Turnitin task, so one of the objects is to identify plagiarism - to show you whether you are able to summarise/paraphrase properly. You should synthesise secondary sources in the form in which you did in assignment 2. There is also room to incorporate some primary sources. (Please note a low score - perhaps 5% - on Turnitin is not usually anything to worry about). You must include in-text citation (author date/Harvard system), using page numbers and include a reference list. All sources used in the essay must be put on the reference list. Likewise, the reference list should not include any sources which are not cited in the text. Supporting comments should include specific evidence/detail - as you've been shown in the lectures. Do not simply state: Jones (2000, p.4) argues that there was significant growth in the discontent of more literate groups during the mid 18th Century. It is much more convincing to show your source's evidence. E.g. Jones (2000, p.4), noting the doubling in remonstrances between 1740-1756 and the increasingly 'harsh' tone of their language, argues that there was a significant growth in the discontent of more literate groups during the mid 18th Century. Formatting: The same rules on formatting apply as for the first two assignments: The document should be submitted in Word document or PDF. Print your name at the top of the document, font 11/12; justify, 1.5 line spaces, and include a word count.
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