Создан заказ №3345981
18 ноября 2018
Bertrand Russell states that Plato’s theory of ideas marks a considerable advance in philosophy. Why should th
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Bertrand Russell states that Plato’s theory of ideas marks a considerable advance in philosophy. Why should this theory be regarded as an original contribution to philosophy? In your answer, discuss: (1) Why was the theory of ideas considered a solution to the problem of knowledge? (2) To what exten
t did Pre-Socratic philosophy influence Plato on this question? (3) Why does Russell think that although Aristotle criticized Plato’s theory of ideas, he had not fully emancipated himself from Plato’s theory? Why is this a fair or unfair criticism? Use this link to the Nicomachean Ethics: http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.html
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19 ноября 2018
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Bertrand Russell states that Plato’s theory of ideas marks a considerable advance in philosophy. Why should th.docx
2018-11-22 13:38
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