Создан заказ №3427466
7 декабря 2018
Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести диалог “Business talk” Here is a specimen business talk: Mr
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести диалог “Business talk” Here is a specimen business talk: Mr. Weston: Oh, Mr. Marsh, I’m so very glade to see you. Did you have a nice trip? Mr. Marsh: I’m glad to see you too. The trip was quite smooth. And I hope our talk will be very smooth too. Mr. West
on: Well, then let’s get down to business. I propose to discuss the second problem and then we shall speak about the delay. Maybe we shall settle both at a time. Mr. Marsh: Agreed. And what is the second problem? Mr. Weston: Mr. Marsh, you see, when the spares arrived we found that the packaging was all wrong. You packed them in plastic boxes instead of the metal containers we specified in the contract. Mr. Marsh: But did they come safe? Mr. Weston: Unfortunately 50 pieces were damaged severely and 30 pieces were slightly damaged. Mr. Marsh: I’m awfully sorry about it. May, I have a paper testifying to the damaged. It is important for our packers. But as to the damage we’ll certainly rectify the situation. Mr. Weston: I hope so and what do you suggest? Mr. Marsh: I offer to ship the replacement by air this week Mr. Weston: And at whose expense will it be done? Mr. Marsh: We’ll certainly cover all the transportation expenses and insurance Mr. Weston: Then if you send the replacement by air this week and they safely reach us we shall forget about the delay or the first problem. Mr. Marsh: Thank you. I think it’s kind of you to make this suggestion. Mr. Weston: And one more thing. Please send me a fax to confirm the shipment. Mr. Marsh: Good. I’ll see to it. The fax will be sent the same day the spares will be shipper??? From the airport. Mr. Weston: Thank you for cooperation and I hope in future we’ll have no problems at all. Mr. Marsh: I hope so. Thank you again and good – bye. Mr. Weston: good – bye and happy journey back home. Severely сильно Slightly слегка Expenses расходы Safe целый, невредимый Задание 2. Дописать недостающие реплики: Vlasov, an engineer of Russian Trade Delegation has met with Mr. Hunt of Robinson & Company to discuss the problems of the contract. Vlasov: Good morning, Mr. Hunt Hunt: … Vlasov: Yes, pleas. We have a problem … Hunt: Yes, it was our fault. Mr. Vlasov, I’ve got an idea … Vlasov: Good. We … Hunt: Well, I’ll ring you up … Vlasov: Good – bye, Mr. Hunt. Задание 3. Выбрать правильное высказывание: Mr. Weston isn’t very glad to see Mr. Marsh. 40 pieces were slightly damaged. The trip was quite smooth. Задание 4. Найти эквиваленты в диалоге: Счастливого пути! Вы хорошо доехали? Давайте перейдем к делу. Задание 5. Восстановить правильный порядок слов в следующих предложениях: It is important for our packers? What Mr. Marsh does suggest? I am to glad see you. Задание 6. Написать вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы: They packed them in plastic boxes. 50 pieces were damaged severely. They’ll cover all the transportation expenses. Задание 7. Соединить соответствующие формы неправильных глаголов: Send Thought, thought Have sent, sent See made, made Think had, had Make saw, seen Задание 8. Употребить артикли, где это необходимо: What is … third problem? Let’s get to … business. Mr. Marsh sends … fax to Mr. Weston. Задание 9. Поставьте глагол в нужное время. Mr. Weston (to be) a businessman Now he (to speak) about delivery of goods. Mr. Weston (to meet) with Mr. Marsh next week Задание 10. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого: Mr. Weston … a nice trip. A. have had B. has had C. was had The spares … A. were arrived B. has arrived C. has arrived I …a fax to Mr. Blake. A. has sent B. Have sent C. have sen
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
8 декабря 2018
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести диалог “Business talk” Here is a specimen business talk: Mr.docx
2020-02-29 13:03
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Огромное спасибо, все правильно, очень аккуратно, подробно и раньше срока. Рекомендую однозначно автора всем!!